@Wolf - think about it. Its free cause it would be illegal to charge, but if you took this as a basic rate wage and applied it - mods would be prohibitively expensive. The amount of time it takes to make a mod can be nothing (for small ones) to nearly a thousand hours for Evo so far.........in fact, thats conservative - i think I have spent over a thousand hours by now (it has been 5 months).
Mods are only free as long as there are mod makers who wish to make them. When it comes to small mods, some make them for fun. When it comes to large mods..the reason so many fall by the wayside (see announcement thread) is because it takes so much time and effort - for absolutely nothing at all. Modders get nothing - in fact some have to pay for it instead (cost of running a dedicated website that hosts downloads and so on). Now whilst no-one grumbles, sometimes all that work should be rewarded - especially since it gives so many hours/days/weeks/months of extra enjoyment of the game over normal........
Basically - how long have you played vanilla fl for? How much longer did you play it because of mods? How much did you pay for it

you get the idea.......all the extra gameplay - and non of the cost. If someone wishes to have something made, but no-one wants to do it........then if he is willing (and can afford) to entice someone by paying - then good for him (and the person to make it too

). If he can get himself a "new" game in effect by having someone making him a mod - then isn't it worth around 20-30 dollars for him then?
*edit* - evo is ending its 6th month in making sorry

- so 7 months in two weeks time
Edited by - Chips on 2/24/2004 6:15:56 PM