More info on monster mod
The new area (dunno wot 2 call it) will have 87 or 88 planets (haven't counted it properly) out of that 87 only 23 of them you wont be able to land on and a whopping 132 stations all with people in them,in other mods some stations have nothing in them just a bar with nobody in it. Some of the staions even have an inside that when you dock you appear inside the station and have to navigate your ship through areas and then land in certain sortive cages with an open end to actually be able to go to the bar etc..etc.But there are other ships having to do the same thing as you to dock. I got a programmer to help make the ai smart and not crash into you while you go to dock as they have to fly around inside to dock.I have added in several new weapons but my favourite is the monster KOBRA it has to reload after every 30 shots for a brief 4 secondsand has a firepower of 4500 capable of wiping anything off the map in seconds. Perfect for the new area as in it you will find bases that are so big that a battleship could dock in it and they do! But you will also find that there is a new storyline in this new area (i gotta get a name for it!) as you will find out! But you dont need to do it if you dont want to all you have to do is take this "Special" job from a person in a bar on a certain planet (im not gonna tell you yet) and then it does the usual level up tings but with new people and new places and new enemys (i never said there would be just one!) for you to fight! So if anyone wants to help finish this mod off just tell me
EDIT: No need for the ALL CAPS in the subject line please.
Edited by - Stinger on 2/21/2004 7:11:35 AM

EDIT: No need for the ALL CAPS in the subject line please.
Edited by - Stinger on 2/21/2004 7:11:35 AM