Infiltration Mod
Personally I have played some SOF2 and I think the Infiltration mode could be adopted by FL.
2 Teams, 1 defending an suitcase (can be any item), another team must get the item within timelimit and escape to certain location.
*We need a count down timer, which isn't in FL. But I think it can be done using Admin tools. (Manual count down)
*Also when the attacker got killed while carrying the item, need an new item spawn right beside them. Again it's not easy to do. But it can be bypassed by using a human player. (Item spawner)
*The score can be credits, certain credits for selling that item and team lvl up for better ships.
*Need an complex system with multi trade lanes and attacking/escaping routes. In system jumpholes are even better.
Here is the basic image in game play. The item spawned in the beginning of the game in a known location.(Can be spawned by admin, and same person as the item spawner) Red team will defend the item and Blue team need to capture it and bring it to certain location within time limits. If blue gets the item, they can sell it for credits and upgrade their team equipments. If Red team defended it, the credits will belong to red teams. One life for each player, if they died in one round they have to wait for next round. If one team eliminated completely the other team wins.
I understand it won't be easy to build such a mod, but let's think about we can modify all the weapons, ship speed etc. We surely can come up with such an interesting mod.
Peace doesn't exist between the livings, but the dead.
2 Teams, 1 defending an suitcase (can be any item), another team must get the item within timelimit and escape to certain location.
*We need a count down timer, which isn't in FL. But I think it can be done using Admin tools. (Manual count down)
*Also when the attacker got killed while carrying the item, need an new item spawn right beside them. Again it's not easy to do. But it can be bypassed by using a human player. (Item spawner)
*The score can be credits, certain credits for selling that item and team lvl up for better ships.

*Need an complex system with multi trade lanes and attacking/escaping routes. In system jumpholes are even better.
Here is the basic image in game play. The item spawned in the beginning of the game in a known location.(Can be spawned by admin, and same person as the item spawner) Red team will defend the item and Blue team need to capture it and bring it to certain location within time limits. If blue gets the item, they can sell it for credits and upgrade their team equipments. If Red team defended it, the credits will belong to red teams. One life for each player, if they died in one round they have to wait for next round. If one team eliminated completely the other team wins.
I understand it won't be easy to build such a mod, but let's think about we can modify all the weapons, ship speed etc. We surely can come up with such an interesting mod.
Peace doesn't exist between the livings, but the dead.