Calling all Lancers.. Variable Economics patch for FL is pos
I have given some thought to making a variable economy in FreeLancer. I have here outlined the steps required for everything to work properly. It just needs the talent of some master programmers to get moving. I have never had past Algebra 2 level in High School, and I took only one statistics class several years ago in college. But as an IT professional analyst, a student of Psychology, and chess player, I know how to think systematically. I put this together in about 1 hour, and haven't proofread much. To my knowledge, this really is complete end-to-end outline of everything required to adding a variable economy. Patching this to freelancer is also perhaps one of the largest undertakings for any mod of any game to date. I'd like to see that done though. Ill contribute whatever braincells I can spare...the only problem is, I lack speaking the language of mathematicians, programmers, and others in this field. That should however, make communicating with the majority of the planet much more effective

What do I want? What do we need? I want to see a program that will scramble commodity prices in the ini files. Everyone knows that a variable economy means these prices have to be switched.. but it needs more than just random numbers.. it needs some kind of system.
So what am I thinking?
Begin brain dump:
Each "solar" is either a supplier or a buyer. We also know that the same product has "Green" value, "Yellow," or "Red." The bases that sell these items will have it for the cheapest. The bases furthest away from the sellers, and in demand will buy it outrageously. All other places that are between the Green and the Red solars are in the middle and labelled "YELLOW." What does this mean to me? I See a range of numbers here.. going from one extreme to the other.. I see a box and whiskers chart.. with a big yellow region as the box, and the Red and Green as the whiskers. Each commodity will vary in price relating to a box and whiskers style chart, all commodities. I want to know what the median is for each commodity. That is an anchor for this projet. The median is our fulcrum and we are going to upset the balance.
Knowing this, varying the economy in freelancer can begin with a MASSIVE spreadsheet. Ive seen some of you with INI file programs that create commodity charts for trading. Something like that is useful here for applying this quick economics class to freelancer.
Some of you older guys know of the four ways economic systems change from high school/college. We want FreeLancer to simulate reality as much as possible, so Freelancer must have each of the four dimensions of economic change as well. There arent five or six, or 2 or 3 dimensions.. but really, 4. I don't hope some of you programmers getting carried away and decide to create many more than 4 instances of commodity fluxuation, because creating just four with a program is hard, very hard. Believe me, four is enough. We see 0 (1) dimension(s) of change in freelancer.. and thats dumb. We want a simulation. We want fun. We want supply and demand So what to do???
We can alter the value of these commodities by sliding the median left and right of the box n whiskers chart.. but first Economics 101. Here are the 4 scenarios I was just blabbing about:
1) producing an abundance of apples, but nobody is interested in buying them
What happens? Buy apples cheap on manhattan, sell cheap on Malta.
2) producing an abundance of apples, and everyone is craving them
Buy apples cheap on manhattan, sell for outstanding prices on Malta.
3) producing a scarce number of apples, and nobody is interested in them
Get ripped off buying apples on manhattan, and get ripped off selling them to Malta.
4) producing a scare number of apples, but everyone is craving them
Get ripped off buying apples on manhattan, but make a decent amount of money on Malta.
But somewhere between Manhattan and Malta, there is a median. There is a point, a fulcrum where going any further out towards the edge of space, apples, apples my friend become MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD! But go back towards manhattan boy, and your apples are worth almost the same price for which you paid. BUT SOMEWHERE THERE IS A MEDIAN.. And not just for apples, but for EACH COMMODITY there is a median price.. and location(s) attached to this price. We need that table now, kids!
Where is this fulcrum? Rooting through the ini files in that table should show that. And thats what we want to do.
That table should resemble something like this:
Solar A Solar B Solar C Solar D Solar E
Commodity X $100 $105 $106 $500 $900
Commodity Y $100 $103 $105 $300 $500
Commodity Z $200 $210 $212 $600 $1000
The list of solars will be LONG, should be going accross the page about 150 times, or however many stations there are to land at in freelancer. It wont go from Solar A to E, I just used those labels to make it easy.
AND OF COURSE! The list of commodities go all the way down, listing everything available in the game.
The first column, Solar A, needs to be the cheapest suppliers of this commodity. Solars B and so on need to be the rest. There are other suppliers, other places that say "BASE SELLS THIS ITEM." But these others may not be the cheapest. They arent important. What we need to take note of now is the LEFT EXTREME, the RIGHT EXTREME and the MEAN.
Edited by - lvxoccvlta on 3/16/2004 4:31:33 AM