Look at the top of this forum - Newbie Questions look no further 2 is there. If you open that thread up, it contains an 'index' of mod 'how toos'. Now some you will want to do, but are too advanced for starters, however, some in there are easy as pie.........and show good results too.....
Have a read. Please don't post a 'how do I mod' as the answer will never satisfy. Its better to get a 'I want to be able to do this first please' - which we can answer......however, you need to crawl before walking, and walk before running. I suggest something along the lines of increasing cargo hold size, nano bot storage, speed of ship using a variety of method, changing ship location selling, changing commodities selling and buying locations, setting weapon selling locations. After getting a basic feel for what the ini files are for and how they work, you move on. Make a new commodity, make a new gun, make a new station. Convert a non-player flyable ship......etc etc etc.
Have a read, all of the parts i have mentioned above have been covered in the threads several times, and in GREAT depth by myself tooo.......
However, the thread also consists of the more advanced aspects too.
Take a peek and let us know at some point if you need help. Best thing to do when asking for help is copy and paste up what you have added/changed in the files - in a logical fashion. That way we can see your errors and correct you.
However, first things first. You need tools.
A ini decrypter (tinyfish editor - in downloads) is the first port of call. You will use more later. But for now, that is what you need. FL is easy to mod as most things are listed in ini files - which is a type of file that contains data values that can be changed or ammended. Learning how these files are used by the game is the secret to understanding how to mod. So, to the downloads section of this site, and get yourself that editor (I use BiniQ - but i am old fashioned

p.s - be prepared to re-install FL about 100 times whilst learning! I used to reinstall up to twice a day at some points

Website: Pathfinderstudios
Contains all the latest on the Evolutions mod