Electronic Nightmares Ship Pack
I have created a large ship pack and am currewntly awaiting authorisation from the authors of the mods I have used. Below is the mods readme;
Mod name - E_N's Combination Ship Pack V1.0
Mod Size - 21.1mb zipped, 55.5mb unzipped
After a LONG TIME and alot of hair pulling this ship pack is now ready for release. I have tested it and couldnt find any bugs (except ship infocards, if anyone could give me some help it would be appreciated), but if you do find any other bugs then please let me know so my next installment of this mod will have those errors fixed. This mod is purely a combination of different mods currently available from "The Lancers Reactor" that I have painstakingly gone through all the coding and merged them all into one mod. I did this because I was sick of only being able to have one or two mods activated at a time on FLMM without a conflict. I am under no illusion that I made this mod solely. I would like to thank all the developers that supplied ALL the content for this mod that I purely merged. All praise to the actual designers please, not me.
Mods Used For This Compilation
-eoaRealSpace- -SimpleMOD2-
=EOA=Louva-Deus (full package used) Glock 36(Manhatten Showcase Used)
-Koensayr YWing- -Donna Blissex AWing-
Porsche Porsche
-Slave1- -Sith Infiltrator-
Porsche Porsche
-Tie and x-wing Pack- -The Antaeus-
Ties by Rapid Model & Texture by Konflict
X Wing by C06alt Testing & Tweaking by Kendo_THM
-jedi T Fighter- -Babylon5 mod V3.06-
Porsche TFK Killermatrix + MORE!! (Lots of ships used)
-B Wing- -BattleShip Encounters-
Porsche Ultra_64 (full package used)
-Graphics & Sound Mod V1- -Epsilon Ship Pack-
Andrew "FineWolf" Moore (Sounds used) By Harrier/Parabolix (Full package used)
-APS Shippack V2.1-
www.sperling.retail.dial.pipex.com/astr ... index.html (full package used)
Future Updates Planned for V2
As this is purely a ship pack there shall be no new systems or stations, just more ships. I do not plan on adding any huge battleships or rediculiously powered weapons/shields/ships. Hopefully the mods I have chosen are reasonably balanced and dont give anyone an unfair advantage. If anyone would like to contribute to this mod (Either in content or feedback) then please let me know as I would be more than happy to add your ships, small fighters only though NO huge battleships.
Ships Most Wanted For V2
Green Bug (From red dwarf), Runabout (From Star Trek DS9), jem-hadar-bug (From Star Trek DS9), sona-shuttle (From Star Trek Film), Hirogen Fighter (From Star Trek Voyager), Klingon Bird Of Prey (From Star Trek), Tomcat (Current Day Aircraft), Tornado (Current Day Aircraft), Sopwith camel (for novelty value).
Electronic Nightmare
[email protected]
Its better to die on your feet, than live on your knees.
Where The New Ships Can Be Found
The Spider 3 = PLANET LEEDS - Leeds
Jedi Starfighter = BATTLESHIP YORK - Leeds
t-wing = PLANET DENVER - Colorado
b-wing = PLANET DENVER - Colorado
Tie Interceptor = BATTLESHIP RIO GRANDE - Colorado
Tie Fighter = BATTLESHIP RIO GRANDE - Colorado
Tie Defender = BATTLESHIP RIO GRANDE - Colorado
The Gorgon = LEON BASE - Omega-41
The Gryffin = LEON BASE - Omega-41
x-wing = PLANET DENVER - Colorado, BATTLESHIP SUFFOLK - New London
Thunderbolt = BATTLESHIP SUFFOLK - New London
Starfury = BATTLESHIP SUFFOLK - New London
Viper = TRAFALGAR BASE - New London (not tested)
LDP4 = TRAFALGAR BASE - New London (not tested)
sith Infiltrator = BATTLESHIP MISSOURI - New York
The Antaeus = PLANET MANHATTAN - New York
a-wing = PLANET PITTSBURGH - New York
The Shrike = PLANET KURILE - Sigma-17
The Spectre = PLANET KURILE - Sigma-17
Hornet = BATTLESHIP HOOD - Dublin
Cougar = BATTLESHIP HOOD - Dublin
Starviper = BATTLESHIP HOOD - Dublin
Hercules Fighter = BATTLESHIP ESSEX - Dublin
Serapis Fighter = BATTLESHIP ESSEX - Dublin
The Rapier ES = ARRANMORE BASE - Dublin
The Rapier SP = ARRANMORE BASE - Dublin
Valk Fighter = KYOTO BASE
Shadow Fighter = KYOTO BASE
Dralthi Fighter = PLANET HARRIS - Tau-31
Erinyes Fighter = PLANET HARRIS - Tau-31
Aeshma Fighter = SHEFFIELD STATION - Manchester
Centurion Fighter= SHEFFIELD STATION - Manchester
Soulstealer = BATTLESHIP NORFOLK - Cambridge
The Ceres = CADIZ BASE - Omega-5
The Mystere = CADIZ BASE - Omega-5
The NightStalker = FREISTADT BASE - Omega-7
The Wraith = FREISTADT BASE - Omega-7
I post this because I am requesting help. I cant sort out the infocards on the file so need ALOT of help with sorting them, again your name shall be meantioned for your contribution
Also I request that anyone who wishes to contribute to this mod please reply here or e-mail me (please dont send zip files to me, my inbox is only small). If any1 wants2 contribute please do
Its better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.
Mod name - E_N's Combination Ship Pack V1.0
Mod Size - 21.1mb zipped, 55.5mb unzipped
After a LONG TIME and alot of hair pulling this ship pack is now ready for release. I have tested it and couldnt find any bugs (except ship infocards, if anyone could give me some help it would be appreciated), but if you do find any other bugs then please let me know so my next installment of this mod will have those errors fixed. This mod is purely a combination of different mods currently available from "The Lancers Reactor" that I have painstakingly gone through all the coding and merged them all into one mod. I did this because I was sick of only being able to have one or two mods activated at a time on FLMM without a conflict. I am under no illusion that I made this mod solely. I would like to thank all the developers that supplied ALL the content for this mod that I purely merged. All praise to the actual designers please, not me.
Mods Used For This Compilation
-eoaRealSpace- -SimpleMOD2-
=EOA=Louva-Deus (full package used) Glock 36(Manhatten Showcase Used)
-Koensayr YWing- -Donna Blissex AWing-
Porsche Porsche
-Slave1- -Sith Infiltrator-
Porsche Porsche
-Tie and x-wing Pack- -The Antaeus-
Ties by Rapid Model & Texture by Konflict
X Wing by C06alt Testing & Tweaking by Kendo_THM
-jedi T Fighter- -Babylon5 mod V3.06-
Porsche TFK Killermatrix + MORE!! (Lots of ships used)
-B Wing- -BattleShip Encounters-
Porsche Ultra_64 (full package used)
-Graphics & Sound Mod V1- -Epsilon Ship Pack-
Andrew "FineWolf" Moore (Sounds used) By Harrier/Parabolix (Full package used)
-APS Shippack V2.1-
www.sperling.retail.dial.pipex.com/astr ... index.html (full package used)
Future Updates Planned for V2
As this is purely a ship pack there shall be no new systems or stations, just more ships. I do not plan on adding any huge battleships or rediculiously powered weapons/shields/ships. Hopefully the mods I have chosen are reasonably balanced and dont give anyone an unfair advantage. If anyone would like to contribute to this mod (Either in content or feedback) then please let me know as I would be more than happy to add your ships, small fighters only though NO huge battleships.
Ships Most Wanted For V2
Green Bug (From red dwarf), Runabout (From Star Trek DS9), jem-hadar-bug (From Star Trek DS9), sona-shuttle (From Star Trek Film), Hirogen Fighter (From Star Trek Voyager), Klingon Bird Of Prey (From Star Trek), Tomcat (Current Day Aircraft), Tornado (Current Day Aircraft), Sopwith camel (for novelty value).
Electronic Nightmare
[email protected]
Its better to die on your feet, than live on your knees.
Where The New Ships Can Be Found
The Spider 3 = PLANET LEEDS - Leeds
Jedi Starfighter = BATTLESHIP YORK - Leeds
t-wing = PLANET DENVER - Colorado
b-wing = PLANET DENVER - Colorado
Tie Interceptor = BATTLESHIP RIO GRANDE - Colorado
Tie Fighter = BATTLESHIP RIO GRANDE - Colorado
Tie Defender = BATTLESHIP RIO GRANDE - Colorado
The Gorgon = LEON BASE - Omega-41
The Gryffin = LEON BASE - Omega-41
x-wing = PLANET DENVER - Colorado, BATTLESHIP SUFFOLK - New London
Thunderbolt = BATTLESHIP SUFFOLK - New London
Starfury = BATTLESHIP SUFFOLK - New London
Viper = TRAFALGAR BASE - New London (not tested)
LDP4 = TRAFALGAR BASE - New London (not tested)
sith Infiltrator = BATTLESHIP MISSOURI - New York
The Antaeus = PLANET MANHATTAN - New York
a-wing = PLANET PITTSBURGH - New York
The Shrike = PLANET KURILE - Sigma-17
The Spectre = PLANET KURILE - Sigma-17
Hornet = BATTLESHIP HOOD - Dublin
Cougar = BATTLESHIP HOOD - Dublin
Starviper = BATTLESHIP HOOD - Dublin
Hercules Fighter = BATTLESHIP ESSEX - Dublin
Serapis Fighter = BATTLESHIP ESSEX - Dublin
The Rapier ES = ARRANMORE BASE - Dublin
The Rapier SP = ARRANMORE BASE - Dublin
Valk Fighter = KYOTO BASE
Shadow Fighter = KYOTO BASE
Dralthi Fighter = PLANET HARRIS - Tau-31
Erinyes Fighter = PLANET HARRIS - Tau-31
Aeshma Fighter = SHEFFIELD STATION - Manchester
Centurion Fighter= SHEFFIELD STATION - Manchester
Soulstealer = BATTLESHIP NORFOLK - Cambridge
The Ceres = CADIZ BASE - Omega-5
The Mystere = CADIZ BASE - Omega-5
The NightStalker = FREISTADT BASE - Omega-7
The Wraith = FREISTADT BASE - Omega-7
I post this because I am requesting help. I cant sort out the infocards on the file so need ALOT of help with sorting them, again your name shall be meantioned for your contribution

Its better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees.