Okay. Here it is, but it's pretty ugly. Also, I wrote it in QBasic so you'll have to dl a compiler/interpreter from somewhere.
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
'(C) Trucidation, Wednesday 21/4/2004
' Contact: [email protected]
' A Freelancer "market_ships.ini" modifier: Zero'ing level requirements.
'Note: This zeroes the requirement for ALL ships. If you only want
' to free up a specific ship of your choice (i.e. you don't want
' to totally screw up the file) then do it by hand, don't run this.
' - - - WARNING - - -
'This was purposely written in QBasic and uncompiled to exe because
'(1) I'm no coder and this ugly thing hasn't been optimized, and
'(2) there is NO ERROR CHECKING because it'd bloat up the code by
' a whole lot more... and besides I don't KNOW how to anyway :p
' I don't want n00bs to screw up their installs then blame me.
' Please read the Instructions and the notes below!
'P.S. It's not using any advanced features of BASIC, you can download
' any BASIC compiler/interpreter and run this.
'- - - INSTRUCTIONS - - -
'1. Go to Freelancer\Data\Equipment\ and make a backup copy of
' the original "market_ships.ini"
'2. Copy "market_ships.ini" from Freelancer\Data\Equipment\ to C:'3. Run this program
'4. Output will be written to "mark_mod.ini" in C:'5. Move "mark_mod.ini" to Freelancer\Data\Equipment\ and rename it
' to "market_ships.ini", replacing the original one (you DID make
' a backup like I told you in step [1, didn't you?)
'- - - HOW IT WORKS - - -
' 1. It reads a line from the original "market_ships.ini"
' 2. Does this line contain ships data? i.e. does it start
' with "marketgoods" (case insensitive)? If no, then just copy it
' over to the output file, since we don't want to change anything
' else.
' 3. If yes, then this line contains ship data. So we need to
' replace it with zero, while preserving the rest of it.
' 4. For example: "marketgood = kfr_package, 10, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1"
' We find the 1st and 2nd commas, those are the ones that
' surround the level requirement.
' 5. Stuff everything to the left of the first comma into a string,
' and everything to the right of the second comma into another string.
' As you can see, by doing this we have neglected to "save" the value
' in between the two commas into either string, namely the level
' requirement. It will be lost.
' 6. So now we have: left part = "marketgood = kfr_package,"
' and right part = ", -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1"
' 7. Now join both parts together while sandwiching a zero in between.
' This zero is the new level requirement, i.e. none.
' 8. The result: "marketgood = kfr_package, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1"
' 9. Ta-da! Only the level requirement is zero'ed, everything else is
' left intact. Now this line will be written to the output file.
'10. Repeat until we reach the end of the original "market_ships.ini"
'11. The resulting file should have the SAME number of lines. Now
' follow the Instructions (above) from step [4.
'In case of screwups, restore market_ships.ini from the backup you
' made.
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
comma1 = 0: comma2 = 0
curLine$ = "": leftPart$ = "": rightPart$ = ""
PRINT : PRINT "Executing."
'Make sure you have market_ships.ini in C:'Check it's 8.3 DOS name, in my case it was "market~1.ini"
'If it's different then replace it in the "Open" statement below.
'BASIC doesn't support long file names, that's why it's like that.
OPEN "C:\market~1.ini" FOR INPUT AS #1
OPEN "C:\mark_mod.ini" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
LINE INPUT #1, curLine$
comma1 = 0: comma2 = 0
leftPart$ = "": rightPart$ = ""
IF LEN(curLine$) > 10 THEN
IF LCASE$(LEFT$(curLine$, 10)) = "marketgood" THEN
comma1 = INSTR(1, curLine$, ","
comma2 = INSTR(comma1 + 1, curLine$, ","
leftPart$ = LEFT$(curLine$, comma1)
rightPart$ = MID$(curLine$, comma2)
'shipLvl$ = MID$(curLine$, comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1)
'You don't need this, but I left it in just in case anyone
'wanted to do anything with the current level requirement.
curLine$ = leftPart$ + " 0" + rightPart$
PRINT #2, curLine$
PRINT "Finished. Press any key to continue.": curLine$ = INPUT$(1)
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
'(C) Trucidation, Wednesday 21/4/2004
' Contact: [email protected]
' A Freelancer "market_ships.ini" modifier: Zero'ing level requirements.
'Note: This zeroes the requirement for ALL ships. If you only want
' to free up a specific ship of your choice (i.e. you don't want
' to totally screw up the file) then do it by hand, don't run this.
' - - - WARNING - - -
'This was purposely written in QBasic and uncompiled to exe because
'(1) I'm no coder and this ugly thing hasn't been optimized, and
'(2) there is NO ERROR CHECKING because it'd bloat up the code by
' a whole lot more... and besides I don't KNOW how to anyway :p
' I don't want n00bs to screw up their installs then blame me.
' Please read the Instructions and the notes below!
'P.S. It's not using any advanced features of BASIC, you can download
' any BASIC compiler/interpreter and run this.
'- - - INSTRUCTIONS - - -
'1. Go to Freelancer\Data\Equipment\ and make a backup copy of
' the original "market_ships.ini"
'2. Copy "market_ships.ini" from Freelancer\Data\Equipment\ to C:'3. Run this program
'4. Output will be written to "mark_mod.ini" in C:'5. Move "mark_mod.ini" to Freelancer\Data\Equipment\ and rename it
' to "market_ships.ini", replacing the original one (you DID make
' a backup like I told you in step [1, didn't you?)
'- - - HOW IT WORKS - - -
' 1. It reads a line from the original "market_ships.ini"
' 2. Does this line contain ships data? i.e. does it start
' with "marketgoods" (case insensitive)? If no, then just copy it
' over to the output file, since we don't want to change anything
' else.
' 3. If yes, then this line contains ship data. So we need to
' replace it with zero, while preserving the rest of it.
' 4. For example: "marketgood = kfr_package, 10, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1"
' We find the 1st and 2nd commas, those are the ones that
' surround the level requirement.
' 5. Stuff everything to the left of the first comma into a string,
' and everything to the right of the second comma into another string.
' As you can see, by doing this we have neglected to "save" the value
' in between the two commas into either string, namely the level
' requirement. It will be lost.
' 6. So now we have: left part = "marketgood = kfr_package,"
' and right part = ", -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1"
' 7. Now join both parts together while sandwiching a zero in between.
' This zero is the new level requirement, i.e. none.
' 8. The result: "marketgood = kfr_package, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1"
' 9. Ta-da! Only the level requirement is zero'ed, everything else is
' left intact. Now this line will be written to the output file.
'10. Repeat until we reach the end of the original "market_ships.ini"
'11. The resulting file should have the SAME number of lines. Now
' follow the Instructions (above) from step [4.
'In case of screwups, restore market_ships.ini from the backup you
' made.
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
comma1 = 0: comma2 = 0
curLine$ = "": leftPart$ = "": rightPart$ = ""
PRINT : PRINT "Executing."
'Make sure you have market_ships.ini in C:'Check it's 8.3 DOS name, in my case it was "market~1.ini"
'If it's different then replace it in the "Open" statement below.
'BASIC doesn't support long file names, that's why it's like that.
OPEN "C:\market~1.ini" FOR INPUT AS #1
OPEN "C:\mark_mod.ini" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
LINE INPUT #1, curLine$
comma1 = 0: comma2 = 0
leftPart$ = "": rightPart$ = ""
IF LEN(curLine$) > 10 THEN
IF LCASE$(LEFT$(curLine$, 10)) = "marketgood" THEN
comma1 = INSTR(1, curLine$, ","

comma2 = INSTR(comma1 + 1, curLine$, ","

leftPart$ = LEFT$(curLine$, comma1)
rightPart$ = MID$(curLine$, comma2)
'shipLvl$ = MID$(curLine$, comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1)
'You don't need this, but I left it in just in case anyone
'wanted to do anything with the current level requirement.
curLine$ = leftPart$ + " 0" + rightPart$
PRINT #2, curLine$
PRINT "Finished. Press any key to continue.": curLine$ = INPUT$(1)
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -