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A Russian House MOD
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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You might want to consider, however, that if you choose to adhere strictly to "Freelancer history" as outlined in the introduction, there can be no Russian system. The Russians, according to the Starlancer storyline, were the principle power behind the Coalition (the bad guys in the introduction movie).
I neither have nor have seen Starlancer, so I didn't know about the Russian storyline issue of them being on the wrong side of History. AH! BUT!! That could make it similar to typical Russian history as they might have thought out the issue of joining the Colonists in heading out....or...were late comers in the space race....or...the far reaches of Sirus and are only part of the way there, not technologically advanced yet, but still a pain in the butt....the scenarios are endless.
if it's just one system, bolshoi. if a group of systems then, the red front. Home planet, new moscow,moscovia, something w/out 'new', new Blah is starting to sound kinda trite, etc. typical names of large cities for planets. smaller cities for bases. a shipyard around the home planet named 'the cosmodrome'. official ships ID as 'red fleet', public ships, 'star republic' or 'peoples republic'. a rebel faction, the czarist and/or the Sino's.
from what I remember of the cold war, their ships would be heavily armored, lightly shielded, heavy one shot type weapons, not the rapid fire kind. heavy torps and light on the ECM.
Juni's got back! and I wanna wear it as a hat!
from what I remember of the cold war, their ships would be heavily armored, lightly shielded, heavy one shot type weapons, not the rapid fire kind. heavy torps and light on the ECM.
Juni's got back! and I wanna wear it as a hat!
While cutting the lawn today, I thought of a possible story line for this Mod about this:
Soon after the Alliance colony ships broke the blockade and escaped, the Alliance forces on Earth fell. They were defeated with the Coalition winning the long bloody war. Yet, the price was beginning to have a toll on the survivors and the victors. The destruction and fall out caused by the use of energy weapons and debris falling from orbit created a nuclear winter on Earth. On that with all the known terra-forming technology of the day could not stop. Earth was slowly freezing to death.
The Coalition leaders soon began placing blame on all those leaders still alive and attempting run things. Yet, it was apparent that humanity was soon to die out if they were to stay where they were.
The Coalition also found the remains of the launch facility of the Alliance. They poured over the captured information and records. It was seen as a God send to take the same action for themselves that their own enemies had taken to save their people.
Darkness and anarchy quickly feel upon Earth. The surrounding colonial worlds on the Moon, Mars and other planets were long since dead and their resources were exhausted. The Coalition was able to muster enough to save but one house from the patron nations and launched The (Insert name here).
On borrowed time and technology, The (insert name here) was launched 125 years after the Alliance ships were, towards the Sirus System. They launched in the hope they would join the colonists and make amends. One that would help keep humanity whole as a race in the Universe.
But problems plagued The (Insert name here). Not having a full grasp of the technology used by the Alliance in their Sleeper ships, and with poor modifications, they reached the far edges of the Sirus Systems. There they attempted to locate themselves, isolated from the rest.
Yet, more dark times would befall the latecomers. In surveys of new colonies for expansion within their first systems, they uncovered artifacts that became a nightmare for all. Nomads quickly assumed their hosts and soon took complete control of the entire (insert name here) colony.
These nomads knew nothing more of the other humans. The nomad assimilation was complete and the knowledge gained from (insert name here) was seen as a potential threat. Yet, these Nomads were unable to search the massive expanses of the Sirus System. They elected to wait for the day when a host would be obtained somewhere within their former empire and this assimilated colony would be contacted.
When the Rhineland survey teams located the artifacts that released the first nomads in the Known four houses, they were able to dispatch their contacts, by use of dormant jump lanes/gates, to the (insert name here). However, their quick defeat by the humans was unexpected and had their human hosts rethink a new approach in exterminating the other human invaders.
It was the intense work of Dr. Qunitain and his staff that was able to study the immense network maps and determine that there was indeed a new, isolated Earth colony within reach of the Houses in the Sirus Systems. Yet, when scouts were sent to contact the lost colony they were never seen from again. Clandestine probes were dispatched and it was discovered that it was an Earth colony completely assimilated and integrated by the Nomads. And more disturbing…they were preparing for a direct, human-to-human invasion of the known Four House in Sirus.
Soon after the Alliance colony ships broke the blockade and escaped, the Alliance forces on Earth fell. They were defeated with the Coalition winning the long bloody war. Yet, the price was beginning to have a toll on the survivors and the victors. The destruction and fall out caused by the use of energy weapons and debris falling from orbit created a nuclear winter on Earth. On that with all the known terra-forming technology of the day could not stop. Earth was slowly freezing to death.
The Coalition leaders soon began placing blame on all those leaders still alive and attempting run things. Yet, it was apparent that humanity was soon to die out if they were to stay where they were.
The Coalition also found the remains of the launch facility of the Alliance. They poured over the captured information and records. It was seen as a God send to take the same action for themselves that their own enemies had taken to save their people.
Darkness and anarchy quickly feel upon Earth. The surrounding colonial worlds on the Moon, Mars and other planets were long since dead and their resources were exhausted. The Coalition was able to muster enough to save but one house from the patron nations and launched The (Insert name here).
On borrowed time and technology, The (insert name here) was launched 125 years after the Alliance ships were, towards the Sirus System. They launched in the hope they would join the colonists and make amends. One that would help keep humanity whole as a race in the Universe.
But problems plagued The (Insert name here). Not having a full grasp of the technology used by the Alliance in their Sleeper ships, and with poor modifications, they reached the far edges of the Sirus Systems. There they attempted to locate themselves, isolated from the rest.
Yet, more dark times would befall the latecomers. In surveys of new colonies for expansion within their first systems, they uncovered artifacts that became a nightmare for all. Nomads quickly assumed their hosts and soon took complete control of the entire (insert name here) colony.
These nomads knew nothing more of the other humans. The nomad assimilation was complete and the knowledge gained from (insert name here) was seen as a potential threat. Yet, these Nomads were unable to search the massive expanses of the Sirus System. They elected to wait for the day when a host would be obtained somewhere within their former empire and this assimilated colony would be contacted.
When the Rhineland survey teams located the artifacts that released the first nomads in the Known four houses, they were able to dispatch their contacts, by use of dormant jump lanes/gates, to the (insert name here). However, their quick defeat by the humans was unexpected and had their human hosts rethink a new approach in exterminating the other human invaders.
It was the intense work of Dr. Qunitain and his staff that was able to study the immense network maps and determine that there was indeed a new, isolated Earth colony within reach of the Houses in the Sirus Systems. Yet, when scouts were sent to contact the lost colony they were never seen from again. Clandestine probes were dispatched and it was discovered that it was an Earth colony completely assimilated and integrated by the Nomads. And more disturbing…they were preparing for a direct, human-to-human invasion of the known Four House in Sirus.
i think the russians should have some survivors from the nomads and trent and co. should find the wrecked house and link up with the russian survivors to defeat the nomads (not so important idea- have a new alien race that was created by Dom Kavash to possess machinery- nu metal nomad ships anyone?)
<the guy formerly known as Deth Bird>
<the guy formerly known as Deth Bird>
<<Soon after the Alliance colony ships broke the blockade and escaped, the Alliance forces on Earth fell. They were defeated with the Coalition winning the long bloody war. Yet, the price was beginning to have a toll on the survivors and the victors. The destruction and fall out caused by the use of energy weapons and debris falling from orbit created a nuclear winter on Earth. On that with all the known terra-forming technology of the day could not stop. Earth was slowly freezing to death.
The Coalition leaders soon began placing blame on all those leaders still alive and attempting run things. Yet, it was apparent that humanity was soon to die out if they were to stay where they were.
The Coalition also found the remains of the launch facility of the Alliance. They poured over the captured information and records. It was seen as a God send to take the same action for themselves that their own enemies had taken to save their people.
Darkness and anarchy quickly feel upon Earth. The surrounding colonial worlds on the Moon, Mars and other planets were long since dead and their resources were exhausted. The Coalition was able to muster enough to save but one house from the patron nations and launched The Red Star.
On borrowed time and technology, The Red Star was launched 125 years after the Alliance ships were, towards the Sirus System. They launched in the hope they would join the colonists and make amends. One that would help keep humanity whole as a race in the Universe.
But problems plagued The Red Star. Not having a full grasp of the technology used by the Alliance in their Sleeper ships, and with poor modifications, they reached the far edges of the Sirus Systems. There they attempted to locate themselves, isolated from the rest.
Yet, more dark times would befall the latecomers. In surveys of new colonies for expansion within their first systems, they uncovered artifacts that became a nightmare for all. Nomads quickly assumed their hosts and soon took complete control of the entire Red Allience colony.
These nomads knew nothing more of the other humans. The nomad assimilation was complete and the knowledge gained from The Red Allience was seen as a potential threat. Yet, these Nomads were unable to search the massive expanses of the Sirus System. They elected to wait for the day when a host would be obtained somewhere within their former empire and this assimilated colony would be contacted.
When the Rheinland survey teams located the artifacts that released the first nomads in the Known four houses, they were able to dispatch their contacts, by use of dormant jump lanes/gates, to the Red Allience. However, their quick defeat by the humans was unexpected and had their human hosts rethink a new approach in exterminating the other human invaders.
It was the intense work of Dr. Quintaine and his staff that was able to study the immense network maps and determine that there was indeed a new, isolated Earth colony within reach of the Houses in the Sirus Systems. Yet, when scouts were sent to contact the lost colony they were never seen from again. Clandestine probes were dispatched and it was discovered that it was an Earth colony completely assimilated and integrated by the Nomads. And more disturbing…they were preparing for a direct, human-to-human invasion of the known Four House in Sirus. >>
Now i corrected a few names
The Coalition leaders soon began placing blame on all those leaders still alive and attempting run things. Yet, it was apparent that humanity was soon to die out if they were to stay where they were.
The Coalition also found the remains of the launch facility of the Alliance. They poured over the captured information and records. It was seen as a God send to take the same action for themselves that their own enemies had taken to save their people.
Darkness and anarchy quickly feel upon Earth. The surrounding colonial worlds on the Moon, Mars and other planets were long since dead and their resources were exhausted. The Coalition was able to muster enough to save but one house from the patron nations and launched The Red Star.
On borrowed time and technology, The Red Star was launched 125 years after the Alliance ships were, towards the Sirus System. They launched in the hope they would join the colonists and make amends. One that would help keep humanity whole as a race in the Universe.
But problems plagued The Red Star. Not having a full grasp of the technology used by the Alliance in their Sleeper ships, and with poor modifications, they reached the far edges of the Sirus Systems. There they attempted to locate themselves, isolated from the rest.
Yet, more dark times would befall the latecomers. In surveys of new colonies for expansion within their first systems, they uncovered artifacts that became a nightmare for all. Nomads quickly assumed their hosts and soon took complete control of the entire Red Allience colony.
These nomads knew nothing more of the other humans. The nomad assimilation was complete and the knowledge gained from The Red Allience was seen as a potential threat. Yet, these Nomads were unable to search the massive expanses of the Sirus System. They elected to wait for the day when a host would be obtained somewhere within their former empire and this assimilated colony would be contacted.
When the Rheinland survey teams located the artifacts that released the first nomads in the Known four houses, they were able to dispatch their contacts, by use of dormant jump lanes/gates, to the Red Allience. However, their quick defeat by the humans was unexpected and had their human hosts rethink a new approach in exterminating the other human invaders.
It was the intense work of Dr. Quintaine and his staff that was able to study the immense network maps and determine that there was indeed a new, isolated Earth colony within reach of the Houses in the Sirus Systems. Yet, when scouts were sent to contact the lost colony they were never seen from again. Clandestine probes were dispatched and it was discovered that it was an Earth colony completely assimilated and integrated by the Nomads. And more disturbing…they were preparing for a direct, human-to-human invasion of the known Four House in Sirus. >>
Now i corrected a few names

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