Looking for special MOD
howdy modders...
i was hoping someone could point me in the direction (name and/or website) of any mods that raise the encounters of ships throughout fl. and possibly have them fighting.. but thats superfluous, though, still cool.
ive read about as much as im willing to read on HOW to do it, but im not a modder and make no claims that i even want to learn how. Im sure someone has already created this mod but i dont read german and i cant make sence of the few hundred listed here to see which one it is that i want...
some direction (name of the MOD or site where they might be hosted, in english or a direct link to the dl) would be greatly apreciated. ~
Edited by - 3ncryptabl3_lick on 07-10-2003 12:31:50
i was hoping someone could point me in the direction (name and/or website) of any mods that raise the encounters of ships throughout fl. and possibly have them fighting.. but thats superfluous, though, still cool.
ive read about as much as im willing to read on HOW to do it, but im not a modder and make no claims that i even want to learn how. Im sure someone has already created this mod but i dont read german and i cant make sence of the few hundred listed here to see which one it is that i want...
some direction (name of the MOD or site where they might be hosted, in english or a direct link to the dl) would be greatly apreciated. ~

Edited by - 3ncryptabl3_lick on 07-10-2003 12:31:50