Im sorta in the middle of a mod were it balanced all the houses and converts freighters into bombers. (Pirate bomber has 4 torpedo mounts

Currently the stats on ships are:
Light Fighters - 5000 hp hull+shield, extreme manuverability, lv 4 guns
Heavy Fighters - 8000 hp hull+shield, good manuverability, lv 7 guns
Very Heavy Fighters - 12000 hp hull+shield, alright manuverability, lv 10 guns
Bombers - 14000 hp hull+shield, poor manuverability, lv 9 turrets, 2-4 torpedos
Its been fun balancing the whole game. Also in the mod, I have removed currency. The only limitation is level which are quite high (20 for Light fighter).
To balance these high levels, all civialian fighters are worst but with alot lower levels.
Its going to be great
BlazeME: Flameus Muchus n00bus