Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:03 am by Chips
Oay - sorry, was away at my parents house for xmas. They have a crap computer with a worse connection!! Also - its so crap that the computer didn't have the capacity to put FL on it either. SHoulda thought ahead and used the SDK, but then again, it costs per min to be on internet. Anyways - am back..
Nicknames - you will pick them up as you go along!!!!
however, the drom is a border world freighter. There is a post somewhere with all the nicknames to real names etc, however, might i sugest subxeros database.
Anyways - intro is here......
co_fighter = legionarre
co_elite = Centurion
co_elite2 = Titan
Can you see the progression??
Try this
bw_fighter = dagger
bw_elite = stilleto
bw_elite2 = guess...................yup - sabre
Okay - so it progresses due to the 'house' that the ship is....
Here is liberty
li_fighter = patriot
li_elite = Defender
li_elite2 = defender (storyline near end, has extra tail size!! - looks like anubis)
li_freighter = Rhino
So - there is a freighter. Now ALL houses have thier fighter and elite fighter (heavy fighter) and a freighter.
So br_fighter = cavalier
br_elite = crusader
br_freighter = clydesdale.
Got it? Change to ku for kusari, being drake, dragon, drone in that order. For Rheinland is a rh and its a banshee, Valk and Humpback in that order!
For Bloodhound, Wolfhound and mule it is:
So - what is the drom again? Its a borderworld freighter!
So it will be
There we go.
Over time you will pick up the names and nicknames - so i can remember them off by heart, and most guns and stuff - takes time, but it comes quick. Till then though - get FLED ids - cause if you are unsure, look in the files at what you THINK is the ship, then tap in the ids name and find out!!
By the way - all the civilian craft are:
ge_fighter = Crap starting ship -forgotten name!!!!
ge_fighter2 = Startracker
ge_fighter4 = Hawk
ge_fighter5 = Falcon
ge_fighter6 = Eagle
Have fun.