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The Full & Complete Text of "Much Uba About Nothing
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To all those who have read and given good feedback of my plays I want to extend my thanks to you. I'm pleased that it has given you some amount of comedic pleasure.
You know what I see as the most interesting thing about all of you who enjoyed these stories, is that each of you have your own favourite quotes. And I am grateful that you have shared them with me because sometimes the humour is lost on myself. I find it hard to read things as being funny when it is coming out of my own head.
I actually enjoy my own writing more when I see what others take for enjoyment. So I want to thank all of you for your kind words and your appreciation of what did take me some time and effort to accomplish.
With kindest regards, I thank you all. Even the gutter snipes that caused all the comedies to unfold.
Sir Spectrespeare of the Threads of Lore
My Humorous & True Lancers Reactor Plays; with REAL posters as characters in these divine comedies, hosted right here on TLR:
"Much Uba About Nothing"
* "This might be the funniest thread EVER seen on these forums. Encore!" - Stinger
"The Taming of the Psycho" (Hey)
* "Bravo! Bravo! Wow your writing is impressive!" - mb52
* "If I video'd my face while reading this, it would've been a comedy in itself." - Imagine
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 03-11-2003 07:48:55
You know what I see as the most interesting thing about all of you who enjoyed these stories, is that each of you have your own favourite quotes. And I am grateful that you have shared them with me because sometimes the humour is lost on myself. I find it hard to read things as being funny when it is coming out of my own head.
I actually enjoy my own writing more when I see what others take for enjoyment. So I want to thank all of you for your kind words and your appreciation of what did take me some time and effort to accomplish.
With kindest regards, I thank you all. Even the gutter snipes that caused all the comedies to unfold.

Sir Spectrespeare of the Threads of Lore
My Humorous & True Lancers Reactor Plays; with REAL posters as characters in these divine comedies, hosted right here on TLR:
"Much Uba About Nothing"
* "This might be the funniest thread EVER seen on these forums. Encore!" - Stinger
"The Taming of the Psycho" (Hey)
* "Bravo! Bravo! Wow your writing is impressive!" - mb52
* "If I video'd my face while reading this, it would've been a comedy in itself." - Imagine
Edited by - Sir Spectre on 03-11-2003 07:48:55
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