Help with FL Explorer... Please.
Either I'm very stupid, or FL Explorer has a couple of VERY annoying glitches, or both
. First, when I try to edit a stations difficulty, FL Explorer crashes, and the infocards and names I give wrecks don't show up, instead they have no name and the description of some Outcast Drug guy. Help please.
The Monkeys are coming. Beware!
Edited by - shasla5 on 06-09-2003 21:02:20
Edited by - shasla5 on 06-09-2003 21:03:12
Edited by - shasla5 on 06-09-2003 21:03:57

The Monkeys are coming. Beware!
Edited by - shasla5 on 06-09-2003 21:02:20
Edited by - shasla5 on 06-09-2003 21:03:12
Edited by - shasla5 on 06-09-2003 21:03:57