I'm new here, so if my request is hard to do, nobody yell at me.
What I would like is a custom Hammerhead. Armor bounced up between the Sabre and Titan, a second thruster hp, a new Turret hp on-top of the cockpit, (theres one there already, it is simply un-used) do not remove the other turret hp (on back.) Increase both the nanobot and shield battery capacity by 20, decrease the cargo hold by 10, and increase the power supply. All hp's should be level 10 weapon. I'd like a new skin for the ship, featuring rheinland decals. If possible, I'd like 2 more Turret Hp's on either wing, for my new Missile Turrets.

Anyone who can do this would be my hero

"The only thing that is needed for evil to triumph is for goodmen to do nothing...and maybe a few Sunslayer Torpedoes."