If you want an original mod (everybody in here that knows me will tell you this is true) try Hostile Universe.
It does not use parts from any other mod, though some mod makers use parts of HU. I have worked hard to keep it original and prevent others from stealing the parts that make it special. So i can honestly promise you that it is unlike any other mod you may have seen.
Check out the gallery first before downloading as i just posted shots of the latest version in developement in there. Its a mod thats been around for a while and is well supported at respawn and LR support it too via the news and download page. Great guys they are
Its not the most popular mod because it only has 7000 downloads from respawn alone and its not the most popular online either because it increases the difficulty level slightly to make freelancer more of a challenge. Puts off a lot of "Elite players" who know there are areas in HU where the titan just cannot but the mustard you see hehe. Yet light fighters do ok. Its all about not being hit in those areas you see.
However the mod has detail added at every level, from wrecks to rumours to a treasure hunt, new commodities, additional story lines, new equipement and tons of original ships as an added bonus. But who wants ships

Version 7.1 is the current version, Version 8 is currently in the bug fix stage.
I have not been promoting it very heavily until recently because it was very much a work in progress but it still has its loyal fan base even so. Now it is almost complete I am ready to stack it up against any mod in this community, including all the b5 ones, TNG and reballance mod. Most of which use my ships in their mods too so it will hard
Edited by - giskard on 05-08-2003 01:44:20