Yea well i making a new comdity and everythigns fine except the discription which is all garbeled in japenesse characters. I klnow your supposed to have 00 between each chafracter start with FF FE and end with 00 0A 00 0A. At the start it explains all the text fine and then it gets garbeled and then it goes back to normal.
Can anyone help me. im using Visual studio c++ if that helps. Also all the items besides my cutom one have theres names replaced with "IDS?" that most likely means i messed up the id #s. But evrytime i open name resource.dll it asks to truncate the file. I'm guessing this delets the nessicarry enrtys. IF anyone knwo how to fix thesse problems tell me.
"do do do do do do do... test your might.... MMMOOORTTTALLL KKKKKOOOMMMBBBAATTT!!!!"
yes i do have issues
Can anyone help me. im using Visual studio c++ if that helps. Also all the items besides my cutom one have theres names replaced with "IDS?" that most likely means i messed up the id #s. But evrytime i open name resource.dll it asks to truncate the file. I'm guessing this delets the nessicarry enrtys. IF anyone knwo how to fix thesse problems tell me.
"do do do do do do do... test your might.... MMMOOORTTTALLL KKKKKOOOMMMBBBAATTT!!!!"