Digital anvil
If you want to know what my massive idea is well: basically remmebr that outcast on malta who says about the other four sleeper ships being destroyed well as you probably guessed i wanna no what nationalities they were, and create the other four house systems with companys and ships to boot.
Lots of people have had this idea so i know its not the most original idea but i want to put it in motion. I know hobbie has made an aussie mod and if thats one of the nationalities then i will ask him permission for his mod and helo cut off some of the work. Im your interested in helping then tell me. I want expeirenced people not just people who just figured out how to use biniqdu. But for now if anyone knows how i can contact these people. plz.
"do do do do do do do... test your might.... MMMOOORTTTALLL KKKKKOOOMMMBBBAATTT!!!!"