Name fixes
Okay, in the sceme of everything this may not be all that important, I mean, you know, Al-Qaida, soldiers dying in Iraq, the IRA problem, the Palestinian problem, genocide in Africa and outlaw South American drug lords and all, but...
I noticed so "bad names" in the game. The two different guys both names Del Antaar on the Battleship Missouri is a good example, as is the "Iron Mo's" gender bender of a bartender, the **GUY** named **ERIN** Roberts.
That said, I am going to start looking into fixing any "bad names" on various bases. I haven't been everywhere, nor seen everyone, so if you'd all be kind enough to be my eyes and ears out there, I'd appreciate it. Just post here (name, base, system) and I'll followup on it.
Just found you guys 2 days ago. Great site, great tools, I look forward to meeting you all as we move forward.
I put the "fun" into "dysfunctional."
I noticed so "bad names" in the game. The two different guys both names Del Antaar on the Battleship Missouri is a good example, as is the "Iron Mo's" gender bender of a bartender, the **GUY** named **ERIN** Roberts.
That said, I am going to start looking into fixing any "bad names" on various bases. I haven't been everywhere, nor seen everyone, so if you'd all be kind enough to be my eyes and ears out there, I'd appreciate it. Just post here (name, base, system) and I'll followup on it.
Just found you guys 2 days ago. Great site, great tools, I look forward to meeting you all as we move forward.

I put the "fun" into "dysfunctional."