I still dont get the problem with extra content. I'm not a huge starwars fan, and i dont recognize any of the bab5/wing commander etc. ships but it doesnt bother me at all. I can barely tell which ones are original and which ones aren't. After all in 40 odd star systems with seemingly common space travel all sorts of craft are gonna turn up. However i guess we will have to agree to disagree as it is obviously a matter of personal preference
I too had fears of the awesome weapons loadouts etc in some of the mods. However alot of time has gone into making sure they dont unbalance the game. For most of the mods people are complaining it is too hard. NPCs have better loadouts too - if your titan has 10 guns, so does theirs. This, combined with things like NPC shield regen and faster ships, makes the game more fun. The other day i shot the hell out of a train, just 'cause i was 1 tradelane from my destination and had space in the hold. Normally this would have been fine but as i was playing a mod (rebalance) things turned out really badly. A huge posse of zippy police light fighters started shooting me, along with a station and the tradelane rings. The police had sweet shields and were really pounding me, i could have run but a few of my flatmates were watching and it was matter of pride

I made it out eventually with half a hull and no nanos/shield batts. I certainly wasn't complaining it was too easy
The problem with MP mods is stability. Running mods on single player can be troublesome but transfer that to MP things just get worse. However the big mods usually have a dedicated server or too with the latest updates. Many mods also add things that are of little value in singleplayer but are sweet in MP - its pretty dull to fly a battleship against NPC's, but a posse with a battleship and a few heavy fighter is a force so be reckoned with against Pkers. If you wait for 'The Next Generation' there will be a bunch of servers, also because there are a variety of people working on it i'm sure the balance will be sweet.
The modlet idea is a good one, but it is not easy to put into practice. Mods that do separate things can be compatible but where they can the same inis etc things start needing manually tweaked. Say someone makes a mod that adds gunboats as player ships. You they have to make gunboat weapons buyable. This introduces the problem of tiny ships with guboat turrets. Most mods get round this by making gunboat weapons c10 and taking the max turret lvl on ships c9. Then someone else adds a bunch of ships which have c10 turrets. Or some small craft get introduced with a slightly higher speed - say 90 - to compensate for lack of offensive power. Then another modlet gets released which set LFs to 110 speed, HFs to 90 and VHFs to 70. Suddenly the small, nippy ships are crap. Another problem is ids_ numbers - you need to know what number your .dll is when refering it - with multiple modlets and mutliple .dlls this becomes a problem. I know these arent very good examples but you get the idea. Although they are small problems they need to be addressed and thats why one big mod is always gonna be less hassle than a bunch of wee ones.
***Rant mode cancel***
I know you said not say 'do it yourself' but a small amount of study will allow you to alter or remove bits of a mod you dont like. It is much easier to tweak soemone else work than to do it yourself from scratch
EDIT - In the time it took me to write that rubbish victor has explained things much better

Anyway despite my rant i have just uploaded a 'modlet' of sorts and am stealing your word for it
Edited by - redeye on 25-06-2003 05:13:10