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Massive mod
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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Check your FLMM mod sub-directory and make sure the mod's data folder and other files are where they are supposed to be. You may have a massive mod folder with a massive mod folder sub-directory. FLMM will tell you that the mod is activated, but it's activated an empty folder.
I was playing "open SP mode" and spent a couple of hours hunting all over Liberty Space for a hole or gate. Some time later I was looking in the FLMM Mod sub-directory for something else and found the massive mod files in a sub-directory of the massive mod folder.
If the name of the mod in the FLMM menu is not "FreeLancer Massive Mod Addon 1.0", you are activating a sub-directory and not the mod.
The Fangman
Edited by - fangmans on 22-06-2003 02:33:24
Edited by - fangmans on 22-06-2003 02:34:52
I was playing "open SP mode" and spent a couple of hours hunting all over Liberty Space for a hole or gate. Some time later I was looking in the FLMM Mod sub-directory for something else and found the massive mod files in a sub-directory of the massive mod folder.
If the name of the mod in the FLMM menu is not "FreeLancer Massive Mod Addon 1.0", you are activating a sub-directory and not the mod.
The Fangman
Edited by - fangmans on 22-06-2003 02:33:24
Edited by - fangmans on 22-06-2003 02:34:52
Well i managed to manually install the mod, by installing all the files and then taking out those files from the mod folder, leaving the script and .dll file. It worked! But for some reason, the Defiant mod won't work. I found it, along with Voyager and the Klingon ship on a planet, but the Defiant won't show. I CAN buy it, but the ship is invisible\not there. I went into shiparch.ini and found out that the destination for the .cmp was wrong, so I fixed that and it still won't work. any ideas?
Hi all.
There should be new FMA 1.1 on LR today. Or download from Instalation procedure was fixed, there is a problem with FLMM 1.1 and big mods. Use 1.2 anyway.
Jumpholes are at NY(4) and in outer systems (Tau37, Omicron alpha, Omicron theta -far NorthEast) Check readme.txt for more. I haven't show sectors, it is fun to explore
There should be new FMA 1.1 on LR today. Or download from Instalation procedure was fixed, there is a problem with FLMM 1.1 and big mods. Use 1.2 anyway.
Jumpholes are at NY(4) and in outer systems (Tau37, Omicron alpha, Omicron theta -far NorthEast) Check readme.txt for more. I haven't show sectors, it is fun to explore

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