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Post Sun May 23, 2004 7:56 pm

How many missions are you trying to give out at your base? I've found that if I try to give out more missions than the local vignettes will allow then the mission eligible npc's will show up with blank boxes. I think its because the mission board takes all the missions but the npc's are still trying to give them out (thus no rumor).
Try setting your num_offers = to 90, 100. Then check how many missions the job board will give out. If you take off and come back the mission board will still give out that same amount. The reason for this is it can only assign as many missions as it has eligible vignettes.
So if you get 8 missions every time lower your num_offers= to 2, 6. Then some of your npc's will give out missions and you'll get more rumors/bribes etc.

Post Mon May 24, 2004 12:17 am

Well, if I wana just have the rumors, i can just put a semicolon before the mission offer line and that'll be ok, but they'll still be empty conversation sometimes...
Anyway, i gave up this idea and made a story mission (what i should do from the begining ).
Thanx all for your help thought.

Ps : just don't care about my bad english !

Post Mon May 24, 2004 6:05 am

Hello guys... new to modding, woohoo!!!... yeah okay so i'm not exactly the first, lol. Love the site, have visited for ages but mostly just lurk the boards... need to post now i'm actually doing something. :p

I was following (for the most part) the complete ship building tutorial hosted on this gem of a website... i say for the most part, all but the actual model. I've got my own model and it's only got a couple of glitches with some weapon orientations and lacks a little detail for now. It imported into FL just fine, textured and so on, even the size i wanted it to be (slightly larger than the dagger fighter)

One problem with my ship thats driving me batty... when the shield drops, shots pass right through the body like it's not even there! Explosions can damage my hull and components, the enemy shots can damage components, but do no hull damage since they just fly on through. The shiparch data is almost identical to that of the defender, and i've had several attempts to fix this already but to no avail, i don't really have a clue. Does anybody know why this is happening?

Thanks a bunch!

I Like Cheese

Post Mon May 24, 2004 6:13 am

Yes, it has something to do with .sur files. I think you have to make a copy of another ship's .sur then rename it as yourship.sur. Make sure that the ship you pick to take the .sur from is about the same size as yours.

Post Mon May 24, 2004 6:43 am

.SUR files? i'll give it a shot and see what happens. thanks a bunch kaegogi! i don't feel quite so stupid now, lol.

I Like Cheese

Post Mon May 31, 2004 10:26 am

@ Chips.... you have been a god send ya know that

all this helpful info between you and accushot has made modding life SOO much easier.

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:31 pm

Hey, does anyone know how to edit .dfm files, Like how KyJellyFish did it in his Dark Trent mod???? Thanks in advance!

The boy stood on the burning deck,
eating peanuts by the peck.
They called him but he would not go,
because he loved his peanuts so.

Post Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:41 pm

Yep, you need the UTF editor available here. You can then extract the textures as tga files, do what you want with them and import them back in.

Edited by - Accushot on 6/18/2004 1:42:53 PM

Post Wed Jun 23, 2004 2:29 pm

Thanks Accushot!!!! I downloaded the UTF editor and managed to open the .dfm file but I don't know what files to save as .tga's and how to do it. Please explain.

Thanks for making such a helpful thread!!!!!!!!

Post Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:31 pm

Haven't tried messing with .dfm files, but if they're anything like other files then you need to click on the little + in a box. Once that drops down the nodes find one that has something to do with texturea and open it up. Find either
MIP0 or

If it's MIP0 then click on export and type in a name with .tga
if it's MIPS then click on export and type in a name with .dds

Post Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:10 am

Q1. How do you get the .sur file to work?

Q2. How do I create completly new weapons effects for Freelancer?

Q3. When you dock there is a code that says you docked with that dock so you go here (Eg. Planter Manhatten Docking Ring docked with goto planet manhatten)
what is that code and is it transferrable to small moors and large moors

It's eyes were completly devoid of life,
Empty Orbs that took in the world with an unfeeling gaze,
A thin trail of blood ran from a fresh wound,
But it would not or could not tend to it,
Only one thing ever brought a spark of vitality,
To the eyes of this Tortured Soul:
The Suffering of others.

Edited by - Tortured_Soul on 6/25/2004 10:13:45 AM

Edited by - Tortured_Soul on 6/26/2004 3:17:17 AM

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:23 am

Question 1
Put simply, you can't. Until we can figure out the format of the sur files you'll have to make do with the existing ones. Think of a ship that is roughly the same size/shape as your ship, and find their sur file in DATA/SHIPS. Now make a copy in the same directory as your CMP file and rename it to <yourshipname>.sur

Question 2
There are many tutroials for this which explain it better than I could here. Have a look around, and try this tutorial.

Question 3
The code is the nickname that identifies an individual base. Download SubXero's database for a list of all the base names, but for example:

Li01_01_base = Planet Manhattan
Br01_01_base = Planet New London
Ku01_01_base = Planet New Tokyo
Rh01_01_base = Planet New Berlin

You can use these codes with docking rings and moors, just add "dock_with = " and the nickname to the system entry.

Edited by - Accushot on 7/1/2004 6:34:33 AM

Post Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:24 pm

Problem one:
I created a flyable battleship bretonia and i am having problems with it flying around whenever it is hit by other ships. This seems to be a common problem to varing degrees. Playing with the rotational inertia does help some as does moving the hp point closer to center but i can't stop it have you had luck accomplishing this?

Problem two:
same battleship seems to hate autopilot whenever I hit F2 to go to a selected planet, base ,etc the ship shakes slowly back and forth as its travelling toward the destination really strange...what am I doing wrong?

here my shiparch ini settings for it:

;--------------------------------#####--Bretonia Battleship--#####------
[Ship;Bretonia Battleship
ids_name = 237005
ids_info = 237005
ids_info1 = 66503
ids_info2 = 252611
ids_info3 = 252612
nickname = f_br_battleship
ship_class = 2
LODranges = 0, 500, 1000, 3000, 20000
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Breb
mission_property = can_use_large_moors
DA_archetype = ships\bretonia\br_battleship\br_battleship.cmp
material_library = ships\bretonia\br_capships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = ships\bretonia\br_battleship\br_battleship.ini
max_bank_angle = 20
camera_offset = 80, 430
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 23
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 30
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 0.500000
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
fuse = b_battleship_body_fuse, 0.500000, 1
fuse = br_battleship_burning_fuse02, 0.000000, 17325
explosion_arch = explosion_rh_battleship
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
hold_size = 50
nanobot_limit = 200
shield_battery_limit = 200
hit_pts = 45000
linear_drag = 1.000000
mass = 10000.000000
;####################--Flight Model 1--#######################
;steering_torque = 54000.000000, 54000.000000, 104000.000000 ;-to use this model just uncomment it
;angular_drag = 400000.000000, 400000.000000, 400000.000000 ;--and comment the next one out
;rotation_inertia = 12800.000000, 12800.000000, 12800.000000
;###################--End Flight Model 1--####################
;####################--Flight Model 2--#######################
steering_torque = 22000.000000, 22000.000000, 88000.000000;--These 3 lines are in use now
angular_drag = 600000.000000, 600000.000000, 1800000.000000;-comment them out and uncomment the above
rotation_inertia = 2000.000000, 2000.000000, 2000.000000;----to use the one above
;###################--End Flight Model 2--####################
nudge_force = 3000000.000000
strafe_force = 200000
strafe_power_usage = 500
bay_door_anim = Sc_open dock1
bay_doors_open_snd = hanger_doors_opening
bay_doors_close_snd = hanger_doors_closing
HP_bay_surface = HpRunninglight15
HP_bay_external = HpRunninglight16
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 1
shield_link = bw_freighter_shield01, HpMount, HpShield02
hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_10, HpShield02
hp_type = hp_turret_special_10, HpTurret_BM_01, HpTurret_BM_02, HpTurret_BM_03, HpTurret_BM_04
hp_type = hp_turret_special_10, HpTurret_B1_01, HpTurret_B1_02, HpTurret_B1_03
hp_type = hp_turret_special_10, HpTurret_B2_01, HpTurret_B2_02, HpTurret_B2_03, HpTurret_B2_04
hp_type = hp_turret_special_10, HpTurret_B4_01, HpTurret_B4_02, HpTurret_B4_03, HpTurret_B4_04, HpTurret_B4_05

;-------------------------##--end Bretonia Battleship--##--------------------------

Thank you so much for you help!!

Edited by - KnightLite on 7/9/2004 10:31:22 PM

Edited by - KnightLite on 7/10/2004 10:22:20 AM

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 2:00 am

The wag is LOW rotation inertia - you need to tap it up a tad. In general, i found that when i made the rotation inertia as LOW as possible WITHOUT the ship spinning out of control, it wagged like heck. If i then TREBBLED the value of each rotation inertia value, the spinning issue was still sorted, and so was the wag.
Here is an example of MY settings for the Br_battleship!

mass = 100000
steering_torque = 600000, 600000, 600000
angular_drag = 2600000, 2600000, 2600000
rotation_inertia = 240000, 240000, 240000

Note - the higher\lower the mass compared to that value there = more you will have to fiddle with the values to make it work fine

Post Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:19 am

Ok thank you I'll keep at it then. One more question lets say you apply the values you just gave me to an anubis and the br_battleship for example. Would now both these ships fly the same or is there also a relationship between the cmp or 3db files taken into consideration?

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