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I like the sabre when its loaded with firestalkers........................................Or cruiser front guns..............
***EDIT***- Scratch that..... Nomad Gunship is better.........Once i get hardpoints on........
Dont mistake Santa for Santa Claus
Edited by - Santa on 21-06-2003 17:38:04
***EDIT***- Scratch that..... Nomad Gunship is better.........Once i get hardpoints on........
Dont mistake Santa for Santa Claus

Edited by - Santa on 21-06-2003 17:38:04
i really like my millenium falcon... sure, she doesn't turn very well... but with all of my nomad lasers and skyblast b's (and turrets), she really does a decent amount of damage... and i've got some cargo room to spare! i still haven't tried out the drake/banshee world.. but i'm pretty sure, from the sound of things, that they're pretty cool.. i like the titan/sabre/eagle when i flew them, but they were all so sluggy and expensive that i was just like.. uh? why am i flying thi--- oh yeah, because i'm like tank with a battleship gun for a head.
Speaking of millenium falcon (which I love greatly) have you hit engine kill with it yet? It goes to trade lane speed in short order.
In fact, any ship edited to possess 2 engines will do the same. I have some interesting theories as to why it does this, but someone has probably already quantified it I suppose. In any case, Kudos to the Millenium Falcon designer, for making it a ship capable of doing the Kessel run in *three parsecs* (lol)
In fact, any ship edited to possess 2 engines will do the same. I have some interesting theories as to why it does this, but someone has probably already quantified it I suppose. In any case, Kudos to the Millenium Falcon designer, for making it a ship capable of doing the Kessel run in *three parsecs* (lol)
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