I'm not a modder, just a player, but I would love to be a modder. Help, anyone please?
Edited by - shasla5 on 14-06-2003 02:45:52
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Starcraft Ships
The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!
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starcraft ships in freelancer would rule. yamato gun could be some sort of torpedo, i think if you gave the javelin missile green smoke and better turning it would make a good mutalisk weapon, dropships should have 2-3 turrets on top, 1-2 on bottom and 2 guns, dont think observer would work too well (or if it did it wouldnt be popular), zergs would be hard to model so i would forgive anyone for leaving them out. you could (could you?) set up a sp campaign where you are protoss, the carrier is a capship (like Osiris) and you fly an interceptor.
Zerg is my fav. and we need at least some defenders? overlords.
But protoss is my second fav.! NEED carrier that shoots little missles that look like the watschamakallzitz the litle guys it deploys.
Also should have arbiter of course.
Dont mistake Santa for Santa Claus
But protoss is my second fav.! NEED carrier that shoots little missles that look like the watschamakallzitz the litle guys it deploys.
Also should have arbiter of course.
Dont mistake Santa for Santa Claus

Hint for Bioships: Use the Nomads!
There is a parameter in shiparch.ini that makes ships transparent. It's called "Nomad = true".
And for the Yamato Gun: I made some sort of ubermissile. A Gauss cannon. It fires a fast little projectile based on the Rheinland Homing Missile (Sunstalker i believe... umm the green missile), just without a trail and with a nice firing sound. If any modder making a SCM want it, tell me! [email protected]
There is a parameter in shiparch.ini that makes ships transparent. It's called "Nomad = true".
And for the Yamato Gun: I made some sort of ubermissile. A Gauss cannon. It fires a fast little projectile based on the Rheinland Homing Missile (Sunstalker i believe... umm the green missile), just without a trail and with a nice firing sound. If any modder making a SCM want it, tell me! [email protected]
yes, the inability to create moving objects on the ships removes some form list (at least for me) But has anyone forgotten the scourge? The classic little Kamikaze? If you have.....Shame On You.......
With his army of tapeworms, hell rule the world!
And if you dont know why a tapeworm might take over the world....
Then see one for yourself!.
(I USED to be Santa)
With his army of tapeworms, hell rule the world!
And if you dont know why a tapeworm might take over the world....
Then see one for yourself!.
(I USED to be Santa)
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