How to add the Sith to the latest Porsche SW Ship Pack?
Rename the Sith file to .zip instead of .zip.flmod
Open the file now with WinZip or anything that can read zip files.
You'll need 3 things... Script.xml .... Data Folder.....SWShipinfo.dll
You will be updating the same 3 files that are currently in the SW Ship Pack.
1. Replace the swshipinfo.dll in the SW Ship Pack with the one from the Sith Pack..the dll contains all the ship info.
2. Copy the Darkjedi folder(located in the data\ships\) from the Sith file to the SW Ship Pack data\ships folder.
So now under data\ships\ you should have the darkjedi folder with the other ship folders.
3. This is the fun part..Im using XP notepad so I cant guarantee this works in other OS's.
4. Open the Script.xml from the Sith file in notepad, do the same for SW Ship Pack.
5. So now you have 2 notepad sessions open..
6. Copy all the info under [Ship and paste it with the other [Ship listings in the SW Ship Pack script.xml file.
7. Copy all the info listed with [Good(should be 2 labeled [Good and paste it with the other [Good listings in the SW
Ship Pack script.xml file.
8. Copy the 2 [BaseGood files at the end and Paste them at the end of the SW Ship Pack file, make sure not paste this
info after the </script> line..this should be the last line in the .xml file.
Note with these 2 you need to copy the whole data string, not just [BaseGood stuff.
For example

The whole line)
<data file="data\equipment\market_ships.ini" method="sectionreplace">
base = Bw06_01_base
marketgood = oe_package, 16, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
marketgood = dark_package, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
9. Ok now choose Save As...Change the File Type to "All Files"..Encoding is set to"ANSI"..then save file.
10. When you save it, it should overwrite the script.xml file located in the SW Ship location.
11. OK now zip the New script.xml, new swshipinfo.dll and data folder all into one .zip file.
12. Name it what you add flmod to end..for ex
13. You might want to deactivate and remove the old StarWars Ship pack from Mod Manager first.
14. Now double click your new FLMOD file ..activate it and launh freelancer.
15. It shoudnt crash Freelancer if you have any recent SWShip Pack saved games, since you are including that
information with this new pack..but if it does... just remove those saved games and it should start.
I will be creating a new SW Ship Pack for Lancers which includes the Sith for those who do ot want to mess with this.