All you Jedi..You now have a Starship!!!

6 Gun/ 1 Turrets (2 Gun Spots should be used for Missiles..Up to You)
175 cargo hold
55 shield/repair bots
7500 hit point rating
Mine Mount
CM Mount
I must give " Ricardo Beux & Junshi" credit for their Jedi StarFighter 3D Studio version, I based my model and textures largely on this outstanding model they did for 3D Studio.
I know some of you will go .. Man thats way to much firepower or Man that moves to fast..but these models Im releasing now are mainly for the SP version of the game.
I'm leaving it up to Free Worlds to alter the stats of the ships when they release the MP version..right now my stats are set purely on the fun of playing the models in SP.
Here are some more Pics!
What to do next Y-Wing or the Falcon..or make a suggestion..let me hear it.