Custom B5 Jumpgates are So cool 
Hello all.
Before I start, take a look at this.
This is what this thread is a about. ... e&artid=37
Problems: clipping issue (lobs). Probably because of the surface file not being an exact match on such a large object. Aside from that, this new Babylon 5 style jumpgate works great.
Heres some info on it.
The model it self should not be turned upside down unless you are willing to deal with the postion and orientation values in the cmp file. The ship will simply spin the right way up when the jump starts. Hardly a big issue. Turning it over throws out the entry and exist points on the gate. Not sure why considering my hardpoints where also rotated too.
When you make the model you will need these 4 hardpoints on it. Plus any weapon hps but i didnt bother with weapons or lights (ship makers will know this stuff, its the same). Imagine a straight line going from your jumpgate entrance to the pre jumpgate effect (hpfx1). Add these along that line in the order I write them down in Milkshape.
Hp/Fixed/HpDockpointA02 (not sure if this is used)
Hp/Fixed/HpDockPointA01 (where you ship starts its docking run from)
Hp/Fixed/HpDockMountA (Where the jump effect is triggered when your ship gets close to it)
Hp/Fixed/Hpfx1 (the position of the pre jump effect, has to be in view of the player at all times to look right so its placed beyond the HpDockMountA so it stays in view).
So the player starts at HpDockPointA01 (maybe A02 if its busy). Flys towards HpDockMountA and jumps. With the Hpfx1 pre jump anim slowly being hidden by the actual jump effect as it opens when the jump sequence starts.
Make your mat files as you would for making custom ships. Shame routine here.
Now you need to edit 3 ini files
Place your new Jumpgate.cmp and Jumpgate.mat files in Data/solar/dockable
Copy a good sur file from that folder and rename it so it says jumpgate.sur or what ever you called your jumpgate files. Mines called b5jumpgate so it doesnt clash with anything.
Open Data/Solararch.ini
Here is my entry.
nickname = b5jumpgate
ids_name = 60209
ids_info = 66145
type = JUMP_GATE
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\b5jumpgate.cmp
material_library = solar\dockable\b5jumpgate.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 8000, 12000, 18000, 22000, 50000
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = b5jumpgate
jump_out_hp = HpFX1
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_jumpgate
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 500
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
Please note that the following lines have been removed, otherise this is just a cut and paste of a normal jumpgate entry.
Removed lines.
open_anim = Sc_open dock
open_sound = gate_open_sound
close_sound = gate_close_sound
Custom ship buildings will see what lines need editing above. Eg the cmp and mat file entries need changing to point to where you copied your jumpgates cmp and mat files too.
Now open Data/solar/loadouts.ini
This file is similar to the ships loadouts file and works the same way. Heres my entry for my jumpgate.
nickname = b5jumpgate
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
Simple stuff. You could probably add missiles to it if you created the hardpoints for them.
Next you need to add the new jumpgate to a system.
Here is my B5 style Hyperspace system that this jumpgate connects too. Im making a hyperspace network between systems as a shortcut you see, Hense the need for a new gate.
nickname = hs01_to_yo01_hole
ids_name = 524295
pos = 50000, 45, 35000
Archetype = b5jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
visit = 1
goto = yo01, yo01_to_hs01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Notice the nickname hs01_to_yo01_hole. This is just name and can be anything.
Also notice the goto line.
Goto = "destination system", "Destination jumpgate in that system", "Jump tunnel effect"
So the requirements are simply. Name the system, name the gate your going to and tell it what effect you want to use.
msg_id_prefix is used by the game to figure out what wave files to play, unless you add your own. leave this pointing to a system that came with game.
Notice that the gate_tunnel_bretonia and jump_effect_bretonia are 2 different effects, one is seen before the jump at the center of your new jumpgate. The other is the tunnel you see during a jump.
Also notice that I used
Archetype = b5jumpgate
So it uses my new jumpgate.
The id_name and id_info need changing, these are defaults and I basically have not added my name for it yet.
This works great but remember you need a jumpgate in the system your coming from and the system your going too. Added in the usual way.
Heres my two entries just for the sake of completeness.
Newmars to Hyperspace.
nickname = yo01_to_hs01_hole
ids_name = 524295
pos = 45000, 315, -45000
Archetype = b5jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
visit = 0
goto = hs01, hs01_to_yo01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Hyperspace to Newmars
nickname = hs01_to_yo01_hole
ids_name = 524295
pos = 50000, 45, 35000
Archetype = b5jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
visit = 1
goto = yo01, yo01_to_hs01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Thats it.
I dont need any anim scripts that the other gates use because the export for milkshape does not support them and hense we cannot use them YET. There is also lots of room for customing the way the gate works which im still looking into.
Before I start, take a look at this.
This is what this thread is a about. ... e&artid=37
Problems: clipping issue (lobs). Probably because of the surface file not being an exact match on such a large object. Aside from that, this new Babylon 5 style jumpgate works great.
Heres some info on it.
The model it self should not be turned upside down unless you are willing to deal with the postion and orientation values in the cmp file. The ship will simply spin the right way up when the jump starts. Hardly a big issue. Turning it over throws out the entry and exist points on the gate. Not sure why considering my hardpoints where also rotated too.
When you make the model you will need these 4 hardpoints on it. Plus any weapon hps but i didnt bother with weapons or lights (ship makers will know this stuff, its the same). Imagine a straight line going from your jumpgate entrance to the pre jumpgate effect (hpfx1). Add these along that line in the order I write them down in Milkshape.
Hp/Fixed/HpDockpointA02 (not sure if this is used)
Hp/Fixed/HpDockPointA01 (where you ship starts its docking run from)
Hp/Fixed/HpDockMountA (Where the jump effect is triggered when your ship gets close to it)
Hp/Fixed/Hpfx1 (the position of the pre jump effect, has to be in view of the player at all times to look right so its placed beyond the HpDockMountA so it stays in view).
So the player starts at HpDockPointA01 (maybe A02 if its busy). Flys towards HpDockMountA and jumps. With the Hpfx1 pre jump anim slowly being hidden by the actual jump effect as it opens when the jump sequence starts.
Make your mat files as you would for making custom ships. Shame routine here.
Now you need to edit 3 ini files
Place your new Jumpgate.cmp and Jumpgate.mat files in Data/solar/dockable
Copy a good sur file from that folder and rename it so it says jumpgate.sur or what ever you called your jumpgate files. Mines called b5jumpgate so it doesnt clash with anything.
Open Data/Solararch.ini
Here is my entry.
nickname = b5jumpgate
ids_name = 60209
ids_info = 66145
type = JUMP_GATE
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\b5jumpgate.cmp
material_library = solar\dockable\b5jumpgate.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 8000, 12000, 18000, 22000, 50000
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = b5jumpgate
jump_out_hp = HpFX1
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_jumpgate
docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 500
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
Please note that the following lines have been removed, otherise this is just a cut and paste of a normal jumpgate entry.
Removed lines.
open_anim = Sc_open dock
open_sound = gate_open_sound
close_sound = gate_close_sound
Custom ship buildings will see what lines need editing above. Eg the cmp and mat file entries need changing to point to where you copied your jumpgates cmp and mat files too.
Now open Data/solar/loadouts.ini
This file is similar to the ships loadouts file and works the same way. Heres my entry for my jumpgate.
nickname = b5jumpgate
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
Simple stuff. You could probably add missiles to it if you created the hardpoints for them.
Next you need to add the new jumpgate to a system.
Here is my B5 style Hyperspace system that this jumpgate connects too. Im making a hyperspace network between systems as a shortcut you see, Hense the need for a new gate.
nickname = hs01_to_yo01_hole
ids_name = 524295
pos = 50000, 45, 35000
Archetype = b5jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
visit = 1
goto = yo01, yo01_to_hs01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Notice the nickname hs01_to_yo01_hole. This is just name and can be anything.
Also notice the goto line.
Goto = "destination system", "Destination jumpgate in that system", "Jump tunnel effect"
So the requirements are simply. Name the system, name the gate your going to and tell it what effect you want to use.
msg_id_prefix is used by the game to figure out what wave files to play, unless you add your own. leave this pointing to a system that came with game.
Notice that the gate_tunnel_bretonia and jump_effect_bretonia are 2 different effects, one is seen before the jump at the center of your new jumpgate. The other is the tunnel you see during a jump.
Also notice that I used
Archetype = b5jumpgate
So it uses my new jumpgate.
The id_name and id_info need changing, these are defaults and I basically have not added my name for it yet.
This works great but remember you need a jumpgate in the system your coming from and the system your going too. Added in the usual way.
Heres my two entries just for the sake of completeness.
Newmars to Hyperspace.
nickname = yo01_to_hs01_hole
ids_name = 524295
pos = 45000, 315, -45000
Archetype = b5jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
visit = 0
goto = hs01, hs01_to_yo01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Hyperspace to Newmars
nickname = hs01_to_yo01_hole
ids_name = 524295
pos = 50000, 45, 35000
Archetype = b5jumpgate
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Li02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_bretonia
visit = 1
goto = yo01, yo01_to_hs01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
Thats it.
I dont need any anim scripts that the other gates use because the export for milkshape does not support them and hense we cannot use them YET. There is also lots of room for customing the way the gate works which im still looking into.