how to make wrecks drop paralyzer missile launcher
hi there!
i figured out how to make wrecks drop that darn paralyzer missile launcher everybody seems to be whining about
you have to alter loadouts.ini in the SHIPS folder, which contains the -well- loadout (=loot) of all wrecks (and some more stuff).
i tried it with the Volsung (D4) in Omega-41 and the Bounty Hunter Fighter (E5) in Omega-11.
lets take a look at the loadouts.ini
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = SECRET_rh_bw_elite2_ew03
archetype = bw_elite2
equip = special_gun15, HpWeapon01
equip = special_gun15, HpWeapon02
equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon03 <==
cargo = missile03_mark04_ammo, 10
Bounty Hunter
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = SECRET_bh_bh_elite2_bw04
archetype = bh_elite2
equip = special_gun07, HpWeapon01
equip = special_gun07, HpWeapon02
equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon03 <==
cargo = missile03_mark04_ammo, 10
equip = gd_bh_turret01_mark01, HpTurret01
cargo = commodity_diamonds, 20
now basically all you have to do is to alter
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon03 </font></pre>
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon01 </font></pre>
and alter the other twp HpWeapon0X of course corresponding.
it seems that freelancer is uncapable of dropping more than 2 guns out of one wreck (and missile launchers are considered as guns), because if you edit like i said, one of the other guns will not drop, though the paralyzer missile launcher will appear.
to find the wrecks, you first have to figure out in which system theyre in, then look at UNIVERSE/systemname/systemname.ini and then search it for "_suprise_" which will find all wrecks in this system.
then you gotta look at "loadout = " which is the loadout you have to search for in the loadout.ini in the SHIP folder.
or you can go the easy way and download the new version of FL DataStorm (1.85) which contains the names for the ships you have to look in the system files.
you can even shorten it more, ill explain how (with the Volsung):
Ew03_suprise_bw_elite2_1 is the name datastorm gives you.
SECRET_rh_bw_elite2_ew03 is the name you would be searching for in the loadouts.ini
so basically you just have to reorganize the componets of this term.
add a "SECRET", at the factions name "rh" (for red hessians, an info which is shown in the description of datastorm), the name itself "bw_elite2" and the system in which the wreck is located "ew03".
accordingly the bounty hunter fighters changes from
have phun...
i figured out how to make wrecks drop that darn paralyzer missile launcher everybody seems to be whining about

you have to alter loadouts.ini in the SHIPS folder, which contains the -well- loadout (=loot) of all wrecks (and some more stuff).
i tried it with the Volsung (D4) in Omega-41 and the Bounty Hunter Fighter (E5) in Omega-11.
lets take a look at the loadouts.ini
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = SECRET_rh_bw_elite2_ew03
archetype = bw_elite2
equip = special_gun15, HpWeapon01
equip = special_gun15, HpWeapon02
equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon03 <==
cargo = missile03_mark04_ammo, 10
Bounty Hunter
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = SECRET_bh_bh_elite2_bw04
archetype = bh_elite2
equip = special_gun07, HpWeapon01
equip = special_gun07, HpWeapon02
equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon03 <==
cargo = missile03_mark04_ammo, 10
equip = gd_bh_turret01_mark01, HpTurret01
cargo = commodity_diamonds, 20
now basically all you have to do is to alter
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon03 </font></pre>
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>equip = missile03_mark04, HpWeapon01 </font></pre>
and alter the other twp HpWeapon0X of course corresponding.
it seems that freelancer is uncapable of dropping more than 2 guns out of one wreck (and missile launchers are considered as guns), because if you edit like i said, one of the other guns will not drop, though the paralyzer missile launcher will appear.
to find the wrecks, you first have to figure out in which system theyre in, then look at UNIVERSE/systemname/systemname.ini and then search it for "_suprise_" which will find all wrecks in this system.
then you gotta look at "loadout = " which is the loadout you have to search for in the loadout.ini in the SHIP folder.
or you can go the easy way and download the new version of FL DataStorm (1.85) which contains the names for the ships you have to look in the system files.
you can even shorten it more, ill explain how (with the Volsung):
Ew03_suprise_bw_elite2_1 is the name datastorm gives you.
SECRET_rh_bw_elite2_ew03 is the name you would be searching for in the loadouts.ini
so basically you just have to reorganize the componets of this term.
add a "SECRET", at the factions name "rh" (for red hessians, an info which is shown in the description of datastorm), the name itself "bw_elite2" and the system in which the wreck is located "ew03".
accordingly the bounty hunter fighters changes from
have phun...