as for your ship pack rapid i have a very detailed YT1300 (not the falcon, although it could be with enough money to buy upgrades) i will send to you if you want i have it working in game i'm just trying to make the engines look right cos in the films the whole back is one giant engine exhaust and this is being rather unfriendly at the moment. so anyone know how i can create a whole new engine effect? so if your intrested in adding it in i'll e-mail it to you for your next pack.
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dont worry the star wars info is coming in quite nicely once i have sorted it all out and made a direction for the mod it will be back on track. its simply to make the mod easy to do and to code when all the info is there for every one to look at and so on.
as for your ship pack rapid i have a very detailed YT1300 (not the falcon, although it could be with enough money to buy upgrades) i will send to you if you want i have it working in game i'm just trying to make the engines look right cos in the films the whole back is one giant engine exhaust and this is being rather unfriendly at the moment. so anyone know how i can create a whole new engine effect? so if your intrested in adding it in i'll e-mail it to you for your next pack.
as for your ship pack rapid i have a very detailed YT1300 (not the falcon, although it could be with enough money to buy upgrades) i will send to you if you want i have it working in game i'm just trying to make the engines look right cos in the films the whole back is one giant engine exhaust and this is being rather unfriendly at the moment. so anyone know how i can create a whole new engine effect? so if your intrested in adding it in i'll e-mail it to you for your next pack.
Sure GAG, that sounds great
However no rush, take your time and work on the engines
next pack won't be out for a little while.
edit: You can try to use the battleshp engines already in the game
maybe you can try grouping a number of them together on concentric circles if its still not big enough.
i never tried it before, but obviously i will run into the same problem sooner or later.
Edited by - rapid on 13-04-2003 20:22:24

However no rush, take your time and work on the engines
next pack won't be out for a little while.
edit: You can try to use the battleshp engines already in the game
maybe you can try grouping a number of them together on concentric circles if its still not big enough.
i never tried it before, but obviously i will run into the same problem sooner or later.
Edited by - rapid on 13-04-2003 20:22:24
The models are progressing slowly but steady, and i got Sal to test fly the ship in sp for bugs, so far so good.
here's link to the firespray test flight shots
check out for your own enjoyment
i must say, Sal is quite a nice screenshooter
[Edit for a betterl link, angelfire is ...weak)
KSE Firespray
more will come later
Edited by - rapid on 14-04-2003 04:22:42
Edited by - rapid on 14-04-2003 06:56:18
here's link to the firespray test flight shots
check out for your own enjoyment

i must say, Sal is quite a nice screenshooter

[Edit for a betterl link, angelfire is ...weak)
KSE Firespray
more will come later

Edited by - rapid on 14-04-2003 04:22:42
Edited by - rapid on 14-04-2003 06:56:18
OK, I hesitate to post in the presence of the great modelers but... here's my first stab at the mesh of a TIE Assault Gunboat: ... 20v1.0.jpg
I was really quite pleased with the learning curve on 3DSMax... I did that the second day I had the program. God I love the MeshSmooth command for non-square models!
Anyway, I was having some qualms about the low-poly count I ended up with, but in the images I have the thing actually looks like it has a lot of straight lines... if anybody has something to suggest, please please do, either here or e-mail me at [email protected] ... My next step is to decide how to proceed with texturing. I've got about this much *holds up fingers very very close together* experience with textures, so I've gotta hit the tutorials. Anybody with suggestions or ideas or hints on how to get good textures, see the above e-mail or post on this board.
I'd appreciate feedback, really! Anyway, happy FLing!
~ Daekar
[EDIT There ARE two versions of the TIE advanced. Well... sort of. One is Vader's TIE, which was designated the TIE Advanced X1. The other is designated the Avenger, but is wrongfully referred to as the "TIE Advanced." The Avenger looks similar to the X1 but lacks the forward panels, and has an elliptical cockpit in place of the traditional sphere. Search on google and you should find some good information about loadout and statistics. [/EDIT
[EDIT This note is for rapid - I was thinking about how to instate the little red engine dots that true TIEs have in the movies. What if you just did away with the engine visual effects and put the red dots in as part of the texture? If you think about it, it makes sense, because we never see anything propel the TIEs in the movies. Rebel ships are a different story, but... well you're a smart one, you know what I mean.
Edited by - Daekar on 14-04-2003 05:05:44 ... 20v1.0.jpg
I was really quite pleased with the learning curve on 3DSMax... I did that the second day I had the program. God I love the MeshSmooth command for non-square models!

~ Daekar
[EDIT There ARE two versions of the TIE advanced. Well... sort of. One is Vader's TIE, which was designated the TIE Advanced X1. The other is designated the Avenger, but is wrongfully referred to as the "TIE Advanced." The Avenger looks similar to the X1 but lacks the forward panels, and has an elliptical cockpit in place of the traditional sphere. Search on google and you should find some good information about loadout and statistics. [/EDIT
[EDIT This note is for rapid - I was thinking about how to instate the little red engine dots that true TIEs have in the movies. What if you just did away with the engine visual effects and put the red dots in as part of the texture? If you think about it, it makes sense, because we never see anything propel the TIEs in the movies. Rebel ships are a different story, but... well you're a smart one, you know what I mean.

Edited by - Daekar on 14-04-2003 05:05:44
Hey, nice model Daekar. however, from what i know about star wars, (quite a lot actually
) that ship is a Firespray class patrol craft. the assault gunboat is up above in this thread somewhere.
even if you did get the name wrong, the model and textures are both still very well done.
i personally would like to see all of the trademark star wars ships in this game. (TIE fighters of all types, which are already being done, and very well done too, xwings, ywings, awings, bwings, star destroyers, mon calamari cruisers, corellian gunships, nebulon B frigates, assault gunboats, missle boats, ewings, naboo fighters, droid fighters, interdictor cruisers, blah blah blah. i'm sure that list right there can keep any modeller and texturer busy for a loooong time.

even if you did get the name wrong, the model and textures are both still very well done.
i personally would like to see all of the trademark star wars ships in this game. (TIE fighters of all types, which are already being done, and very well done too, xwings, ywings, awings, bwings, star destroyers, mon calamari cruisers, corellian gunships, nebulon B frigates, assault gunboats, missle boats, ewings, naboo fighters, droid fighters, interdictor cruisers, blah blah blah. i'm sure that list right there can keep any modeller and texturer busy for a loooong time.
Sidious, thanks for your compliment on the Firespray, i did noticed its a KSE Firspray
We certainly wll attempt all the starwars ships, however I personally are working under tight time frame right now so, i will try to make the best out of what I have.
Rebel ships will come very soon, GAG already got a B-Wing at bay and i doubt it will be long before you see all them in FL>
Thanks for your continuing interest and support.

We certainly wll attempt all the starwars ships, however I personally are working under tight time frame right now so, i will try to make the best out of what I have.
Rebel ships will come very soon, GAG already got a B-Wing at bay and i doubt it will be long before you see all them in FL>
Thanks for your continuing interest and support.
Rapid you will have my YT1300 (millenium falcon) tomorrow morningokay, a nice prezzie in the mail box. hehehe been flying her alnight. its good fun in the asteroids. i would post a piccie but people will have to wait. i will send you every file i have coded and such and you can copy and paste the codes into your files so everything works together. one thing i have added the falcon as a completely new ship not a replacement so depending on what ids numbers you have given your ties (if there added in not replacing old ships) you may need to change is ids number and info. ok.
i'm off to find find a new power coupling
i'm off to find find a new power coupling
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