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after mission 9, on Blood Dragons base

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Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:08 am

after mission 9, on Blood Dragons base

I am on the secret blood dragon base in the hiyo cloud area, after the attack on the transport in which you don't obtain the object you're after. I'm supposed to find work while Juni does her thing, as usual, but no one on the base will offer work and the job board has no missions on it. I've tried flying off into parts unknown, but at this point in the game almost everyone is hostile and I can't find any place that will let me dock to find work. Please help.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:37 am

Well then just shoot those enemies and tractor their weapons in for sale...


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:18 am

Try findong out who the Blood Dragons are enemies with via the F8 menu and then go kill them until your rep improves with the Blood Dragons enough for them to let you take missions from their bases.

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