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What am I doing wrong?

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:16 am

What am I doing wrong?

Ok..I'm in the mission with Ozu trying to recover the tome thing. We're at the Arch base of Tekagi, but I keep getting my butt handed to me. We've eliminated the first patrol, then when the mission goals say to destroy the shield generators, a ton more ships show up and knock the hell outta me.

I also keep hearing messages about taking care of the gunships, but I can never see any. Every time I get near enough to the shield generators to do any damage, the 2 battleships lay into me and roast me.

Any suggestions? Oh, btw, I'm flying a Hawk...only 26 shield batteries and nanobots.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:08 pm

My tactic...

Always just attack what the game targets for you next.

I never "select" a a target, except in MP. hehe
And, it always seem to target what I should be killing next anyway.

Dunno, but it works for me.

Good luck,

Pyrate Dredd

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 5:45 pm

Agree with the Pyrate on this one. Just go for the generators from the start, keep cruising past all the fighters, they'll hand you your butt on a plate. Be squirrely around the generators, they have turrets that'll melt your shields. attack...retreat...attack...retreat...repeat as necessary.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True
The Last Thing I Said Was False

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:12 pm

I just get VERY close to the generators and use strafe and reverse Eng to move side to side and back up slowly as I pound the generators. As long as you dont stay perfectly still, neither the battleships nor passing fighters can hit you consistantly. Getting as close as possible to the arch itslef also helps (blocks alot of the possible firing angles that can hit you).

As mentioned above, you should ignore ALL the other ships in this part of the mission (and I suggest, playing duck & cover during the early stages of the first wave of ships you fight).

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:52 pm

I just use torpedos... it's a cakewalk...

---This statement is FALSE---

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 8:12 pm

grimm got it

at least thats the same way I did it, though I wasted the first waves of fighters aswell until I get order to kill the gens, which is easy, if you use the shild and other objects around you as cover.

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