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nomads/opening cutscene?

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:06 pm

nomads/opening cutscene?

I noticed something the first time I booted up Freelancer... if you look through the screenshots on LancersReactor, the CGI category shows shots of the Nomad ship, the sun exploding, etc etc. Did they decide to cut the whole Nomad/Sun detonation from the opening cutscene? Or did I totally mis something...

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:13 pm

in the game now sol still exists just and they never met the nomads and what not.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:09 pm

Might this suggest that a third installment might surface, presenting us with the opportunity to retake SOL? Hmmm? Hmmm? I don't know. I haven't beaten the game yet, so for all I know, you could find out at the end that SOL is destroyed or something. NO clues here.

"Mercy is the mark of a great man. ::stabs guy with sword:: Guess that makes me a good man. ::stabs guy again:: Well, I'm all right." - Malcom Reynolds, Captain, Firefly-class Starship "Serenity"

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:38 pm

You mean they cut the part with Sol getting blown up?

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:40 pm

Yup! It kinda ticked me off because that was the most graphically spectacular part of the original intro. The shockwave was FREAKING AWESOME! I wish I had a surround sound system on the computer JUST for that.

"Mercy is the mark of a great man. ::stabs guy with sword:: Guess that makes me a good man. ::stabs guy again:: Well, I'm all right." - Malcom Reynolds, Captain, Firefly-class Starship "Serenity"

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 5:50 pm

huh... that would make for a very very interesting plot twist (retaking sol)..

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:29 pm

to be honest, i thought it was the russian coallition, after all they had jump drives first

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:58 pm

How about this: the nomads try to take over earth instead, blows up the sun, then proceed to reclaim the sirius sector armed with coalition weapons... And to top it off, the remaining coalition survivers have to cooperate with the alliance, uniting the whole man kind... blah blah blah...

---This statement is FALSE---

Edited by - Zamboni on 08-03-2003 08:57:24

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