ok blade, lets make this simple. In all of my following examples, everytime I type { replace it with a [ and everytime I type } replace it with a ....
ok, to quote type...
{quote} whatever it is you want to quote {/quote}
so if you replace those curly brackets with square ones, it would read...
whatever it is you want to quote
with it so far?
ok now to do a link...type...
{url=http://yourlink.com} this is the text for the link {/url}
don't forget to replace those curlys again and change "http://yourlink.com" to the address of the website you are linking to.
so this example done properly would be...
this is the text for the link
and thats it! simple ain't it! if you can grasp that, HTML/XML will be a doddle to ya
Hope that helps!
Edited by - gromit on 04-11-2003 18:03:50