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*BUG*gered up!

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Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:26 pm

*BUG*gered up!

Well, i just found a rather amusing glitch/bug which just happened to me a moment ago. I had just started a new character in Babylon-5 server when i decide id go to pittsburgh (on the advice of someone) to get a tie-fighter. When i arrived there I had previously been told that the tie-fighter would cost me 100k so i decided id cut my losses and sell my starter shield. Soon after i discovered all that pittsburgh sold was 1million bships. Slightly perturbed by the fact i was shieldless i decided to launch. This is where it gets interesting. As soon as i entered space i opened up my inventory to find i had somehow managed to get a 2300000 freighter shield mounted on my starflier, not only that but i didnt actually have any blue bars on the shield indicator on my ship. The shield jettisoned but when i picked it up to jettison it again it seems the server crashed :s
A very weird bug. Anyone have any ideas how this could have happened?


Edited by - rabbit on 05-04-2003 17:26:57

Post Sat Apr 05, 2003 4:40 pm

Hi rabbit. Falco here Its maybe bug dunno. But I have better bug

I was trying to dock about 40 times. cant dock. Allways destroyed by radiatition. Now I click to joine server but its crashed to windows. Cool I lost my Shadow fighter and abot 40 millions $. Can some1 help with this weird thing?

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