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Just down size it a little.
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*sigh* Well well well, the people here can't handle a tongue-in-cheek look at their favourite website. It's not intended to mock any site, in fact it's more likely mocking the whole gangster image rather than whatever webpage it's used on. You can't complain about the swearing either, I warned you. If you find swearing offensive but looked anyway it's your own damn fault. You're like the people who buy things the retail staff warned them not to and then bring back demanding a refund, same sort of lunacy.
Do you know what I showed you people? Knowledge, I opened your eyes to another part of the web, yet you start throwing around trash talk about it getting "soooo offended". I'm sure those of you in that secret little clique you've got going amongst the elite will all be offended.
Do you know what I showed you people? Knowledge, I opened your eyes to another part of the web, yet you start throwing around trash talk about it getting "soooo offended". I'm sure those of you in that secret little clique you've got going amongst the elite will all be offended.
Yet again I seem to be defending my opinions against Taw and FD. Ah well, it's quite fun.
Name some words used by the 'translator' that proactively seek to offend certain people within the US. I didn't find any.
In what way is it different to 1337, Taw? On a basic level, it was created with the same intent as a 1337 translator - a sarcastic observation at a 'language' perceived by the creator to be a 'language' for stupid people.
That's the whole point of it, as I was saying.
I presume that was the word you were referring to above. It's a pity, really, that the word has attributed so much bad press because an almost inherently racist US decided to use the word as an insult. Am I missing something crucial about the finalities of human 'civilisation' or am I simply too naive to realise that words are automatically offensive regardless of their intented meaning, context or target?
EDIT: Ooops, forgot to uncheck sig
Edited by - The Evil Thing on 12/18/2005 2:33:20 PM

The "Translation" used has wording that is EXTREMELY Offencive to peoples and groups in the US. It may have been created in jest, but is not a joke. Too bad there is no one it can be reported to to have it removed.
Name some words used by the 'translator' that proactively seek to offend certain people within the US. I didn't find any.
it's all that *bad gangsta rappa* nonsense isn't it? pfui, all that stuff's horrible. if it had been something else like 733t then that would actually have been amusing (briefly) but all that *boyz in the hood* stuff is vile.
In what way is it different to 1337, Taw? On a basic level, it was created with the same intent as a 1337 translator - a sarcastic observation at a 'language' perceived by the creator to be a 'language' for stupid people.
pardon my reaction, but wtf is that garbage it makes the site look like a four year old punk rocker was set loose with a text editor. oh well some ppl are easy to amuse
That's the whole point of it, as I was saying.
Actually Taw, its the use of the (N) Word that creates a lot of hate here. It can get you a beating, lawsuit or just about anything else.
I presume that was the word you were referring to above. It's a pity, really, that the word has attributed so much bad press because an almost inherently racist US decided to use the word as an insult. Am I missing something crucial about the finalities of human 'civilisation' or am I simply too naive to realise that words are automatically offensive regardless of their intented meaning, context or target?
EDIT: Ooops, forgot to uncheck sig

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 12/18/2005 2:33:20 PM
I'm not offended by it, but there is one thing that irritates me about it. I'm sure we all know where this terminology originated, and a lot of you can laugh at it. I refuse to because where I live, acting like that when you aren't armed can get you killed. You may not find words that are directly offensive in it, but just because you don't know how to READ it doesn't mean its clean.
Okay, any of you who say there's nothing offensive in there are wrong. DEAD wrong. As FD said the "N word" can get you hurt here, and that's not a rumor. Last week, at my school (and I don't go to the most ghetto of schools, or even close) a kid was almost hospitalized just for saying it in jest. Granted, you may find this funny, but I don't think it was created by people who know much about it. It irritates me to see people from the suburbs, from places where they don't deal with it use the language of such a dangerous and criminal society (the gangsters and drug dealers regardless of race). I hate it because I grew up staying away from these people, and others see it as some kind of romantic language of release and freedom. You may think it's cool, I don't. Taw and FD are right.

Okay, any of you who say there's nothing offensive in there are wrong. DEAD wrong. As FD said the "N word" can get you hurt here, and that's not a rumor. Last week, at my school (and I don't go to the most ghetto of schools, or even close) a kid was almost hospitalized just for saying it in jest. Granted, you may find this funny, but I don't think it was created by people who know much about it. It irritates me to see people from the suburbs, from places where they don't deal with it use the language of such a dangerous and criminal society (the gangsters and drug dealers regardless of race). I hate it because I grew up staying away from these people, and others see it as some kind of romantic language of release and freedom. You may think it's cool, I don't. Taw and FD are right.

well said Steve, FD and Taw
I am fron NJ, heck from one of most ghetto towns in NJ, and I agree, that is in no way amuzing. Try acting like that around here, and it wont end up good, not good at all...
I will be honest, before living in USA I would hear this kind of language (movies and such) and would find it funny...but after seeing and hearing the reality, its not even close to being a way to create a joke.
I am fron NJ, heck from one of most ghetto towns in NJ, and I agree, that is in no way amuzing. Try acting like that around here, and it wont end up good, not good at all...
I will be honest, before living in USA I would hear this kind of language (movies and such) and would find it funny...but after seeing and hearing the reality, its not even close to being a way to create a joke.
Another useless internet "tool" I take it? *Checks link* Meh, I've seen worse "cussing" as they say in Yanksville, but I fail to see the purpose of the site in question. It is meant to be humorous I assume. *Shrugs apathetically* Wake me when something interesting happens, or when somebody actually laughs at the "translation"

It is all about context and whether the context is obscure. In regard to the word identified by Fd, its context far from obscure.
While in certain stand up comic routines that word and other vulgarities became de rigeur to be "hip" and funny, those who used the word in particular were of a specific race and made it known as part of their humor that only those of that race had the right to use for any legitimate effect. When used by anyone else, that word would only be taken to be offensive in the most bigoted way possible.
Many have pooh-poohed political correctness but I would have to suggest that in the case of this and some other words not worth mentioning here, it is just wrong to use it even if it is used in rap or hip hop (although I tend to doubt that it would be in hip hop ... but you never know).
It is all about context and whether the context is obscure. In regard to the word identified by Fd, its context far from obscure.
While in certain stand up comic routines that word and other vulgarities became de rigeur to be "hip" and funny, those who used the word in particular were of a specific race and made it known as part of their humor that only those of that race had the right to use for any legitimate effect. When used by anyone else, that word would only be taken to be offensive in the most bigoted way possible.
Many have pooh-poohed political correctness but I would have to suggest that in the case of this and some other words not worth mentioning here, it is just wrong to use it even if it is used in rap or hip hop (although I tend to doubt that it would be in hip hop ... but you never know).
acting like that when you aren't armed can get you killed. You may not find words that are directly offensive in it, but just because you don't know how to READ it doesn't mean its clean.
Of that I don't doubt, but the entire point of the internet is anonymity and a lack of real context.
As FD said the "N word" can get you hurt here
But 'here' is not everywhere. You personally may have a valid reason for not liking it on sheer principle but what of the others? And why does everyone think the entire idea is "vile" etc. because of a single word? Has anyone actually bothered to check what it was translated from?
Anyone else saying 'Huh?' Can we assume it was a mistranslation and move on with our lives? (And our criticisms?)
I am fron NJ, heck from one of most ghetto towns in NJ, and I agree, that is in no way amuzing. Try acting like that around here, and it wont end up good, not good at all...
agreed, something similar happend at a local college near where i live a person was blown away by a gang when he called a member that word one member of the gang hit him with a truck and the rest shot him thirty times, unfortunate really
Another useless internet "tool" I take it? *Checks link* Meh, I've seen worse "cussing" as they say in Yanksville, but I fail to see the purpose of the site in question. It is meant to be humorous I assume. *Shrugs apathetically* Wake me when something interesting happens, or when somebody actually laughs at the "translation"
I'm beginning to see a pattern. Apart from Taw and ff, all those who disliked this live in the US because they have to experience this on a daily basis. The rest of us found it mildly amusing in a "Double-yoo tee eff" kind of way. All the people whom I showed this to found it funny to some degree. I presume some form of elitism plays a role in this, and elitism is something we Britons (and Esq

Taw and ff, ask yourselves "What is the reason I do not like this?" and "Is my dislike totally and appreciably logical?"
It is all about context and whether the context is obscure. In regard to the word identified by Fd, its context far from obscure.
Humour me, what IS the context, given what it was translated from?
When used by anyone else, that word would only be taken to be offensive in the most bigoted way possible.
But only when taken out of context. It can hardly be said that the word in question has been taken out of context because the intent of the site is not only transparant but the only context for its use that there is. Just as with any machine translation, it won't always make sense. When that happens, the context becomes fragmented and the word becomes alien. It is merely a word on its own, absent of intent, context or sense.
You could all say I live a sheltered life. I probably do; the worst I see is that one of my close friends is publicly bullied, humiliated and ostracised on a daily basis. Why? He has ginger hair, that's the only reason. I daresay that if the word "nigga" were replaced by "ginge" everyone would be far more comfortable, even though, to all intents and purposes, nothing has been changed .
*Get's off soapbox to allow someone else a chance to hammer his view into the ground*
N.B. Quite tired, so if my post seems fragmented and alien, absent of intent context or sense, it is because my brain is not fully functioning yet.
Problem is, there is NO sutable context for the word. It is a slight veriant of the original word that was used to discribe a race during and before the civil war. It carried on into the 40's and 50's where it was turned into an even harsher aspect to isolate this race from everyone else in both life and function. they had to use substandard facilities and were not allowed to "Mix" with others, had to ride in the back of busses, have thier own resterants and so forth. You have to live in the US or atleast visit or sometime to get a true idea of its effect. There has never been a safe use of the word other than the same spelling, though differnt pronusiation of it to discribe a specific african nation. "Niger" prononced NIe- Gher. The same word, differnt pronuciation, is the root and cause of the problem.
But only when taken out of context. It can hardly be said that the word in question has been taken out of context because the intent of the site is not only transparant but the only context for its use that there is.
Problem is, there is NO sutable context for the word. It is a slight veriant of the original word that was used to discribe a race during and before the civil war. It carried on into the 40's and 50's where it was turned into an even harsher aspect to isolate this race from everyone else in both life and function. they had to use substandard facilities and were not allowed to "Mix" with others, had to ride in the back of busses, have thier own resterants and so forth. You have to live in the US or atleast visit or sometime to get a true idea of its effect. There has never been a safe use of the word other than the same spelling, though differnt pronusiation of it to discribe a specific african nation. "Niger" prononced NIe- Gher. The same word, differnt pronuciation, is the root and cause of the problem.

I don't find the translation amusing, but that doesn't mean i find it offensive. As for the word in question, I hear it used daily - rap songs, films and other such media - all from the good ol US of A.
I do find the use of that word completely hypocritical though - it's used (like I said) in films, rap, music etc - hell, even on TV and radio - by certain ethnic groups without any eyebrows being raised.
Now, however, you read the word on a "site mockery translation tool" and start a ruckous over it? That , I find amusing.
I do find the use of that word completely hypocritical though - it's used (like I said) in films, rap, music etc - hell, even on TV and radio - by certain ethnic groups without any eyebrows being raised.
Now, however, you read the word on a "site mockery translation tool" and start a ruckous over it? That , I find amusing.
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