BTW, I know I look sweet, everyone wants to pinch my cheeks but not everyone admits it.

I have changed a bit since that last picture, manily my hair is a little bit longer now, don't worry all you single girls, I do look better now.. If the Search Forums thing was still here then I could find the one with a bunch of pics, but it's so sad. Thanks a lot TLR, I give you the middle finger suilute. (I know that isn't spelled right, but if you have an IQ above 4 you will know what I'm trying to say.)
After the slight dissapointment of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, I almost lost faith in what after the Sands of Time, was one of my favorite game franchises. But now with Prince of Persia 3, the series still has a chance in my heart, and it better not let me down or I'll personally take over Ubisoft and make them do it right!