Its okay, I have made a decision simply based on the fact that I feel I am wasting my time here these days.......... Simply put, what is the point in all of this. I know what the point is from other peoples perspective, you wish a change in the stance on issues such as the topics to discuss, the way we moderate and more.
However, from my point of view - I do agree with this, this being the way people try to get things to change. I have been conversing with mods over email in regards to our stances, have conversed with FD about his thread, with Wilde about the same thread......
Simply put, I put alot of time and effort in here, I have given all I can to the modding community, and the modding forums. I try my best to post level headed posts (although as Neo or Indy will tell you, this can and does slip), and try my best to help people see other perspectives apart from their own.
Whilst I know my perspectives are not what some want to see, and certainly do not agree with - you are also not privvy to what I say behind the scenes. Wilde will confirm that I am not all that bad as people think, and I am pretty sure that a modding community will tell you that I am a nice person, fair handed, and even tempered. Heck - I still get a good 6-8 emails a day asking for help with issues on making mods, how to's and more.
What few of you will know is that I have also been generating talk with other mods and the admins as to what I think about the rules, how we have/are being too tough, we should not pre-emptive lock, and that 'grave digging' is an complete and utter contradictory before posting so you don't replicate a thread, but when you find that thread via the search - don't post or you will get jumped on for grave digging!!!!
I used to have a strong resolve in trying to get things done, and stood up for what I believed to be right (BP will testify that on occasions this has caused some major issues - as I attempted to mend bridges between TLR's modding community, and its reputation with another website - whom had models stolen without permission from him. BP busted nutts to sort it out, and Darksabers X-Wing site removed thier tirade against some of our modding community, and thanked us for our efforts in resolving his grieviences!)
However, for me, enough is enough. I simply do not have the heart to go head to head with people anymore. I have had any wish to fight burnt out of me entirely. Its not because I disagree with anything the administration does - believe me, I count BP and Eraser as my CLOSEST friends on this site! Whilst some things I have disagreed with, this is not in reaction to those. This is simply in reaction to the continuing war by the community in general against the staff. I don't single any particular person out, and do not lay the blame at them alone.......because something has to cause tempers to flare. However, I DO strongly disagree with the way it has been carried out, and in trying to explain, retort, or even broker peace - I have finally had the last straw. You may say your insult was the 'straw that broke the camels back' so to speak. I literally sat there after reading it, and wondered what the heck am I doing this for? I get worked up over a website...........why?
A few little known facts for you - I have had well over 4500 posts, with my first being in the newbie questions thread by Accushot (whom I mod with now at my site). I have loved every last minute of posting in the editing forums - as it literally feels like my 'second home'. I didn't venture out of there unti, ohh, 6-8 months after joining.......
I still love the editing forums, and its posters, to pieces - and have always tried to help (although sometimes it can be annoying to read the 20th thread saying 'how do I do this', when I spent 8 hours making a thread with links to every answer you may want

). I am sure i will also find it hard to let go, but I really don't have the energy anymore......
This is me, Chips, signing off as a moderator........and more importantly - as a community member
To BP and Eraser - thanks guys, you've been awesome over the last year and a half

Stand fast, and I am sure your efforts will come to fruition and be appreciated once again.
p.s - yes, this is in direct relation to this latest outburst - I simply do not wish to have to get worked up anymore about this site. I love it to pieces, and cannot bear to see it getting ripped up over someone elses personal views of us. I know some will cheer (as I know I am very unpopular to some) - and I know some may feel the taste of blood and think they will get more. I hope other staff members are stronger than me, but I cannot keep up the heart to help out a community, when all I feel is hurt.