Well if final had no clue, and neither did chips...well thats 2 of 16...this is quite odd.
I wonder if it was maybe either Eraser, Stinger or possibly BP? either way the thread was deleted with no concern for the people posting in it. Thats kind of underhanded and REALLY F'ed up that Finalday and Chips have NO idea whats going on....

my passive days are starting to come to an end here...i swear this is pissing me off to NO end...not that the thread was deleted..but the POINT that people with logical concerns, comments and a round about discussion about the state of affairs were SILENCED my someone and are too COWARDLY to stand up for it!!!!! This is EXACTLY what my ORIGINAL post was about, the abuse in the moderation of this forum and all others by the oppressive moderators and admins thus causing this to be more of a "Say what we like and i will allow it" than an OPEN discussion forum! why even have this type of forum if people can ONLY talk about what YOU want!! I understand filtering out "imappropriate" material..IE..Swearing, Sex, Violence....etc...etc. But to Discourage people from having an open opinion of the staff...there we begin the tyrannical dictatorship that TMR now IS!!!
IF you concider this a flame wolfy.. i apologize.. nothing here is intended to be hurtful to you, sorry if it was you have my apologies...But you have to understand that the principle of the matter is free choice and havign our OWN opinions...in which we have LOST. again wolfy i DO apologize to you. BUt i refuse to apologize to the people in question. I see why Taw had his issues..i am just glad that people are getting smart enough to realize that there is something fishy going on here and that there are freedoms that are being taken away at a whim....Starting to sound to me like the only reason the extra mods were added is to have more peopel to draw the blame AWAY from the TRUE problem...you do the math!